Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles Read online

Page 7

  I tried to imagine what she looked like, the color of her skin, how many appendages she had. Her defiant spirit both angered and amused me. The more we talked, the more amenable she became. Disclosing personal information, finally agreeing to help me.

  Since there was nothing I could do from here, the escape plan would be up to her. I had never needed to depend on a female before and it gave me pause. It felt wrong, but what other choice did I have? I knew that Roark would investigate my disappearance, but how well had the perpetrator hidden his… or her tracks? Could my Guard even find me? No. Depending on Cami was the only logical choice.

  The sound of footsteps grew louder, but I never looked. I knew it was time for the guard to make their rounds. What I didn’t expect was the conversation.

  “Well, well, well. A Royal Guard locked in a cell.”

  I slowly turned my head to look at the newcomer. I hadn’t seen him before. Smaller in size but he had an arrogant attitude. More so than the others. After quickly sizing him up, I turned my head back and closed my eyes. To him, it would seem that I dismissed him. But in reality, my senses flowed outward. I depended on them in battle, more so than my eyes. If the guard dropped the force field even for a second…

  “Not talking, huh?” When I didn’t acknowledge him, I knew the smile dropped from his arrogant face. “Get up!” I ignored him. “I told you to get up!”

  I was ready, poised. My legs were loaded springs. All I needed was for him to come in. He was close. I could sense it. His hand almost on the control panel now. Just a few more seconds…

  “Leave him alone and come on!” Another voice called from the darkness. His hand dropped back to his side. I sensed him sneer before he turned and headed away.

  So close! My hand smacked the floor in frustration and my lips tightened. If only I could have gotten out without using the female. A low growl escaped at the thought. Back to the original plan. Where would we go to hide? Where could we get a ship?

  After endless scenarios, my eyes finally drifted shut for a little needed rest.


  The sound of her soft voice drifted into my mind, startling me awake.

  Are you awake yet?

  I looked around the cell and then sat up. I had slept longer than I had planned.


  Did you rest much?

  Surprisingly, yes. How about you?

  Not so much. My friends are worried about me heading back to the fight club. Apparently, I made a huge mistake last time and they think the Humchins will be watching for me.

  What did you do?

  Nothing that bad, I don’t think. It doesn’t matter. Nothing will stop me from trying to get off this horrible planet.

  I laughed. I wouldn’t tell her, but her will of iron excited me, made her more attractive and I’ve never even seen her.

  Are you nervous? I should not have asked. It was against my nature to ask something that would automatically be denied.

  Of course. Only a crazy person wouldn’t be nervous. But that doesn’t make me a coward.

  My boisterous laugh echoed from the walls. Any guards watching me now would assume I had gone mad.

  No, it does not.

  Okay, I need to talk to my friends. We have some more planning to do, and Oddle has the bloody yellow soup ready. God, I hate that stuff.

  You eat blood? Terrible images of her feeding on dead bodies crossed my mind. Were her species savages?

  Now who’s being daft? No, I don’t eat blood. It’s just a figure of speech.

  I’m certain she heard the relief when I said, That’s good to know.

  I’ll talk to you tonight.

  Until tonight.


  I grabbed the cloak and slipped it on. I needed different clothes. Oddle had made me a few dresses, if you could call them that. It was more like a sheet with three holes. One for my head and two for my arms. The dresses were more cumbersome than the cloak, and rough on my delicate skin. But I refused to walk around in my t-shirt and boy shorts. I only wore a dress when I washed my underclothes.

  I ran my fingers through my tangled hair before tying it back with a strip of cloth. It had gotten longer and I needed a good haircut.

  When I entered the small kitchen, Munic and Oddle were already sitting at the table.

  “Good morning,” I said with a warm smile as I slid into the only empty chair.

  “Good morning, dear.” Oddle smiled when she slid the bowl of steaming soup in front of me.

  “You love doing that, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” But I could see her lips twitch.

  I chuckled a little; I couldn’t help it. My nerves were edgy and her banter with the soup lightened the mood. “Thanks, Oddle.”

  “You are welcome.” She took a sip of her soup.

  “Are you sure you want to go back so soon?” Munic asked as he stared at me with intense eyes. No doubt scrutinizing my hesitation.

  “No, but I’m going.” I have to. We have to leave. My eyes darted around the room before finding Munic again. “But, I am going to win enough money and then free someone who will help us.”

  Oddle set her bowl down, and Munic sat up straighter and asked, “What do you mean free someone who will help us? Who?”

  I swallowed hard and chose my words wisely. “Someone imprisoned. He was taken against his will and forced to fight. If I free him, he will help us all escape this wretched planet.”

  “Who is he, Cami?”

  The emotion and worry so easily read on Munic’s face. When I first arrived, I couldn’t read him so easily. “He says he is from Ulaya and he is Captain of the Royal Guard.”

  Silence. What the hell? Munic, who was a blob of information had nothing to say? Oddle took a sip of her soup while Munic stared at the wall behind my head, but not really looking at anything. “Say something.” My eyes pleaded with him.

  “How do you talk with him?”

  “In my head. I know it doesn’t make sense, but he has talked to me since my first visit to the fight club.”

  “I see.”

  “Munic…,” I warned.

  “There is a legend, a myth. It says that there are certain Ulayians that are Compatibles. Beings so likeminded they can merge as one. Of course, no one understood the reason until much later. They acted as one mind because they could speak privately with each other.”

  “So…,” I scrunched my nose, “it’s normal?”

  “Yes and no. Males in battle can be Compatibles, but with females it is much trickier.”

  “How so?”

  “No female will have a male who has an intimate relationship with another female, and no male will tolerate another male with a close relationship with his female.”

  “So, what would happen?”

  “They bond with each other.”

  “Wow. That is sad.”

  “Not really. They choose to check for compatibility, but it is always with a comrade, unless they are considering someone as a mate.”

  “Hmm…that’s interesting.”

  Oddle stared incredulous at me. “You are not worried about this connection?”

  “No. Not really. He promised to take me back to Earth. I don’t think any mind talking could travel that far. It’ll be fine.” I caught the worried glances that Munic and Oddle shared as I picked up the bowl of soup. The first signs of doubt weaved its way into my throat, making me swallow hard as we ate in silence.



  I Can Do This


  I paced in my room as the harsh sun faded to a light red shadow. Fear was my only companion as my mind raced with possibilities. There were only two possible outcomes: it would go as planned or go horribly wrong. I’m not going to lie, I was scared shitless. Images of the other females in the fight club… that could be me. With all the promiscuity on this planet, there was no doubt that the sex industry was alive and well. I felt certain that i
t didn’t have to be consensual either.

  My hands shook slightly as I picked up the cloak that laid across the pallet. “Get ahold of yourself,” I scolded. When I caught my reflection in the mirror, I froze. The terror shined brightly back at me and I didn’t like it, not one little bit. I stood up straighter, lifted my chin and schooled my features. The first thing we were taught on Earth was to show no fear. No matter how scared you were. And that’s what I needed to do now.

  I needed to change my attitude, believe in myself. It had always worked before. “You can do this Camilla Ryan.” I took a deep breath, blew out my nervousness, steadied my hands and slipped my arms through the sleeves of the cloak. Oddle had altered it for a perfect fit. The hem fell to the top of my shoes, and the sleeves almost covered my hands. The hood was large; it not only covered my head, but it drooped down in front, helping to hide my face better.

  Time to go. I grabbed the gloves and headed for the main room where both Munic and Oddle waited for me.

  “Cami, are you sure you want to do this?”

  I faced Oddle and smiled. “I’m sure.” I could see the worry in her eyes when she nodded. I turned to face Munic. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

  “Please be careful.” He held out his hand, revealing the coins. I chose the one with the least value and plucked it from his hand.

  “I will. Just like last time, I may not be back until tomorrow night.”

  “We will be here.”

  I covered my face with a thin cloth, slipped on the gloves, and with one last glance at my friends, I headed into the night. The final rays of the sun disappeared, blanketing the planet in darkness. A little light shone in the distance as the drudges of the planet sprang to life.

  I’ve left.

  Be careful, stick to the plan.

  The stars were in the wrong place, but I still smiled. Thinking about getting home spurred me forward, gave me the drive to complete the mission, and that’s the way I thought about this. A mission I needed to complete to move forward.

  I will. Just don’t get killed first. I felt his amusement. How strange.

  Don’t worry about me. I will win.

  Good, because I’m betting a lot of money on you. My lips tipped upward with his deep sounding chuckle. That voice made my insides quiver with want. Only a day ago, I thought him dangerous. Now? I considered him an equal, someone who would help me. A friend, someone to talk to and I craved conversation with him. Sexy… I wouldn’t go there. Just because his voice made me feel things forgotten long ago, well, I wouldn’t think about that. Are you trying to lighten the mood?

  Can you tell?

  Only a little. Don’t worry, I know what needs to be done.

  I’m not worried.

  Bullshit. I can feel it. Immediately, his worry disappeared. How did you do that?

  He chuckled, low and sexy in my mind. I don’t know what you are talking about.

  Don’t play coy with me.

  I walked with determination, watching as one foot stepped in front of the other. The lights from the distance grew, illuminating more objects around me. I tried not to think about what kind of things might lurk in the darkness. I had enough on my plate.

  When my nerves started to fray, I thought of mom and dad’s smiling face. Not only did I want to tell them I still lived, I wanted to tell them---tell everyone---shout it from the top of my lungs that life on other planets existed. We were not alone in the universe, only in our galaxy.

  I walked on. The streets became more crowded but I kept my head down. When I entered the fight club, I said, I’m here.

  Place your bet. They are about to lift us to the rink.

  My hands trembled with the adrenaline rush. Good luck!

  It is not needed.

  My lips twitched when I heard his arrogance, but I hoped he spoke the truth. I didn’t look around, just walked straight to the back wall, and made my bet. I inserted the one coin, and then changed it to sixty credits. If winning with twenty would pay for one person to get off this planet, then sixty credits should cover the four of us. When I retrieved the card, I took my first look around.

  Even though I’d seen it before, my breath hitched with the sight! Male aliens pumping into other female aliens. Waitresses sailed between aliens and furniture, delivering beverages. It seemed natural, no one looked unhappy or complained. Every now and again, shouts of anger could be heard over the roaring music, but I ignored it and kept my distance.

  The announcer blared overhead and everyone raced to the rail. In one corner, a muscular reptile looking creature stood motionless as he stared at Zorvak.

  Zorvak stood in the other, his eyes trained on me. The dizziness returned, but now at a tolerable amount. I shook my head, trying to shake off the effects of the connection. How do you know where I am?

  I just know.

  Why do I feel so weak when you stare at me?

  When the announcer came overhead and called out Zorvak’s name, he turned his head away and faced his opponent. One side of his lips twitched slightly as I heard, Maybe… you like what you see.

  I shook my head and smiled. Just concentrate on the fight.

  As they circled each other, my heart pounded in fear and anticipation. Both of them looked controlled and evenly matched. A punch here, a kick there, I swallowed hard and reluctantly looked away.

  I spotted the guard, who stood across the rink at the exit, and knew I needed to somehow get past him. The dark hallway behind him led to a set of stairs, which led to the cells. At least that’s how Zorvak described it. But how? I grimaced as I watched everyone coming and going. The guard never budged as he held his positon.

  The high ceilings, well over a hundred feet, had small objects carefully placed in equal distances. Maybe a sprinkler system? Or something more like cameras? After accessing and connecting the NI, I scanned the available information. My attention split between my surroundings and scrolling for information.

  I heard Zorvak’s name announced as the winner so I quickly headed to the machine.

  Are you ready?

  Almost. I’m trying to find a distraction. I need to get the guard to move away from the door. Congratulations on your win.

  He didn’t want to fight, so I only knocked him out.

  I grabbed my card and slid it into the machine. Just as I reached for the coins, a long bony hand gripped my arm. I jumped, surprised, and stared at the hand. My heart pounded; it felt like my stomach dropped and I swallowed hard. My eyes slowly lifted, traveling from his hand, up his arm, until they landed on his angry face.

  “I caught you, thief,” he said as he yanked me forward, causing me to stumble. Not that he cared, he kept walking even if it meant he would drag me behind.

  All heads turned in our direction as he pulled me toward the looming door, the one I needed to secretly get through. The Humchin stopped in front of the guard; now both aliens stared at me. Like a horror movie playing in slow motion, I watched as the guard lifted his hand toward my face. I turned my head, but he still knocked my hood back. My long red hair fell across my shoulder just as he snatched the thin covering away from my face. Their beady eyes widened in surprise before an evil smile spread across their faces.

  “Well, well. What do we have here?” The one gripping my arm asked with excitement ringing in his gravelly voice.

  “Looks like a female of an unknown species.” They both kept staring, and they weren’t the only ones. As I looked back, the patrons had stopped and stared as well. All eyes trained on me. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine when the guard’s eyes ran the length of my body. Not that he could tell anything about my form, but…

  “I will examine her, check her for compatibility. I am sure we can make one-thousand times the amount she stole from us.” His eyes traveled up and down my body once again.

  “And after you examine her, I will have my turn.” My heart pounded in fear as they laughed. Sweat beaded my brow as my knees grew weak. The guard stepped aside, and
the one gripping my arm dragged me through the door.

  I feel your fear, what is happening?

  I didn’t answer as tears of fear threatened to spring forward. My heart beat echoed in my ears, drowning out any other noise.

  Once downstairs, he shoved me inside a room. After he walked inside, a force field materialized, effectively locking me inside…with him.

  He circled me like prey as another one joined him. Their eyes shined with happy malice.

  “What is she?” the newcomer asked.

  “I have never seen her species before.”

  “What are your plans for her?”

  He grinned as he started removing his trousers. “To get the money she stole back in other ways, then sell her to the highest bidder. I cannot imagine the amount of currency she will bring.”

  Cami, what is happening? Zorvak’s voice was low, demanding.

  They caught me! Oh, God, they caught me!

  One circled around behind me and grabbed my arms, pinning my back to his front. I could feel the bulge as he pressed himself against me. The one in front stood naked as he came forward. I stared with horror at his hard cock. With its hard shell and spurs at the base, it would rip me apart from the inside out.

  “No!” I shouted as he reached for my cloak and ripped it off with one hand.

  I stood braless in a black t-shirt and boy shorts. My chest heaved as I tried to snatch my arms away from the one behind me. No use. The one in front stepped forward, his bony hand cupped my breast and squeezed.

  “She is so soft.”

  “Too soft. You will damage her.”

  “I do not care. She will learn her lesson. Put her over there.” He lifted me up and threw me on a pallet in the corner. When the two stepped forward with an evil grin. I knew what would happen. Both Humchins would rape me and not care if I was killed in the process.

  “No!” I let out a loud ear piercing and terror-filled scream when he landed on top of me, pulling at my boy shorts. The other one clamped his hand over my mouth. I thrashed, trying to get away but they were too strong. His long bony finger touched my core, causing my panic to skyrocket. This could not be happening!