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Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles Page 6
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Page 6
Ardak was assigned to guard the eastern gate at night.
I shot Roark a serious look, one he understood well. “After we eat, find him.”
“Yes, Captain.”
That evening, I showered and dressed, then headed to Estine’s place. She lived on the sixth floor of a high-rise building, while I lived on the eighteenth: the top floor. There was no monetary system; everyone was assigned a dwelling based on importance.
Just as I was about to press the bell, the door dematerialized. “Captain La’qa, as always, you are right on time. Please, come in.” She moved away from the entrance and gestured me in.
“Thank you, Estine. But please, call me Zorvak.” We’d shared a night together and nothing more. Even after that, she had stuck with formalities. I never corrected her…until now.
With a pleased look, she said, “Zorvak, this way. I have everything ready.”
“Thank you.” She led me to a small table beautifully adorned with fine eatware. “It looks great, Estine.” I knew my words made her happy.
Just as I took a seat, she handed me a drink and smiled, her eyes soft as she said, “Let me get our food. I’ll be right back.”
She walked out of the room, my eyes following her movements. The sway of her hips with every step, the way she carried herself certainly demanded a male’s attention. She was beautiful. I took a sip from the glass, and then another. It didn’t taste exactly right. I took one more and tried to discern the taste. “Is everything all right, Zorvak?” Estine asked as she set a tray of food down.
“Fine.” But it wasn’t. My vision blurred. Estine yelled my name as everything went blank. When I awoke, my wrists were shackled in this blasted cell.
Blinking back to the present, I now had three suspects. Esad, Ardak, or the last person I remembered seeing…Estine. Did one act alone, or did they conspire against me?
A noise from down the hall snagged my attention. Heavy footsteps pounded the floor as someone drew closer. When the Humchin came into view, I sat with my spine erect and my chin raised high.
He grinned, showing his sharp spindle teeth. “Ahh…I am most happy to have someone of your caliber to fight tonight. We’ve never been graced with someone from Ulaya.”
“Release me and I will not kill you.”
He laughed, big and boisterous. “Fight well. I have a lot riding on you.” And with that, he fled.
My chest heaved in anger and I searched for a way out. The force field extended from floor to ceiling. I didn’t understand why they had me shackled as well.
Before I got a chance to examine it further, the floor beneath my feet vibrated and hummed just as it started upward with constant acceleration. Jeers and music reached my ears the same time the ceiling opened. My platform lifted to a rink surrounded by tall solid walls. Now I understood my purpose here.
I caught sight of my opponent and sneered. A Dukal. Mean creatures who were very hard to beat. They fought with brute force instead of skill or thought, but they were strong.
I studied my opponent, noting any vulnerable areas that could cause the most damage. Then, I opened my senses, letting them flow outward, traveling up through the crowd. My psyche touched everyone, and then dismissed them at lightning speed. I only needed to find someone to connect with, someone who could alert my Guard as to my whereabouts. Then… my head shot up while my eyes bore into another Ulayian. Definitely female, although she hid under the cover of a dark cloak.
My psyche swirled around hers, testing for compatibility. A match! I couldn’t believe it after all this time. Forming a bond was a life-long decision with a female. Could I do it? Sight unseen? I had to. This is what I always wanted. Not wasting any time, I struck hard, intertwining her energy with mine. Taking her strength while giving her some in return. A wave of dizziness rushed over me as a jolt pierced my chest. It passed quickly. The first road of mental pathways formed, and over time, they would only strengthen.
Anger and confusion fueled my determination to escape. Why was another Ulayian on this planet? Not only here, but partaking in the betting scheme, mingling with the lowlifes of the universe?
Just as the fight was about to start, my attention snapped back to the Dakul in front of me. He fought well, but still, he was no match for me. He got a few good swipes in, but when I rammed the staff into his chest, the match ended. He fell dead at my feet.
My attention flew back to the female. I knew she stared, at least until she stepped back out of sight. It didn’t matter as my psyche gripped hers once again. Now I could talk to her whenever I needed.
My lips tipped upward when I heard her say, Screwed, that’s what I am.
Why would you say that? Her statement left me perplexed. It didn’t make any sense. None at all.
She never answered, which made my temper flare. Who was she to ignore me, the Captain of the Royal Guard?
Probably looking for me.
It wasn’t a question; it didn’t make sense. Who did she speak of? Why would they be looking for you? Nothing. The fact she wouldn’t answer a simple question made my lip snarl.
I want to go home!
Free me and I will take you. I needed to get home. There was a traitor amongst us and who knew what they had planned for Lord Garan. It was my job to protect him and I had to get home.
My mood went from irritated to angry when she played coy, acting as if speaking to me this way surprised her.
The longer she spoke, the angrier it made me. I gritted my teeth in frustration, wondering if she was a daft harpy.
When the conversation ended, I closed my eyes in relief. I needed out of this cell and it seemed clear that she would not help.
I hadn’t heard from him in two days, and as crazy as it seems, I missed him. His arrogant tone demanding help. For as long as I’d been on this planet, and not counting him, I’d only spoken to three other people.
The walls of Munic and Oddle’s little cottage started closing in on me. I didn’t want to live like this; I couldn’t take it much longer.
Are you there? I waited, but everything remained silent. I tried again. Are you there? Can you hear me? The deafening silence made my heart race. Please answer me! He said he would help, he would take me home. I could pilot a ship, but I didn’t know my location or what universe I had landed in. I did need someone’s help.
Relief washed over me with his one simple word.
Can you really take me home?
Of course. His voice sounded a bit condescending. I didn’t know him, but I envisioned him shaking his head as though I’d asked him a stupid question.
I sighed, and then chose my words wisely. The last time I spoke with him, the conversation went south very quickly. Look, please don’t talk to me with that superior attitude. It quickly ruffles my feathers and my temper takes over.
I heard the surprise in his voice. You have feathers?
What? No! It’s just a figure of speech.
I see.
I’ve always been great at controlling my emotions, but here, I think the walls are closing in on me.
Did they capture you? I smiled at the concern that leaked in his voice. He had a soft side. At least he would if anyone could break through his tough exterior.
No, but I feel like a prisoner. I need to get off this planet and back home.
As do I.
At least now we were on the same page. This would be tricky to pull off and I could use some help. Munic and Oddle wouldn’t really offer much so it was up to me.
What is your name?
Camilla Ryan. Yours?
You know who I am. You watched me fight the other night.
I bolted upright in bed. The red demon looking man. Zorvak. He’d looked straight at me… twice. I’d thought about him more than once since the fight. Okay, maybe a thousand times. My first impression of him was correct. He was dan
Zorvak… I whispered in my mind.
Zorvak La’qa, Captain of the Royal Guard.
How did the Humchins capture you?
That is one mystery I am determined to solve.
What do you mean?
There are three possible traitors and I plan to find out which one conspired against me, against Lord Garan.
Lord Garan?
I heard his irritated growl right before he spoke. Female, do not try my patience again.
Stop growling at me! I don’t know why you expect me to know these things! I’ve had to learn so much since crashing here so forgive me if I don’t know anything about your planet or hierarchy. I spat the words in my mind not knowing, but hoping they would be perceived the way I intended.
No. My secrets are my own. And right now, I only trust the ones who rescued me.
Yeah, and until I know you better, that’s how it will remain.
When he never said anything in return, I desperately wanted to keep the conversation going. Stupid, I know, but after so long of talking with only Munic and Oddle, I craved different company. Not that I didn’t love Munic and Oddle, but they were pretty cut and dry. Jokes were not their strong suit. They were more accustomed in dealing with facts. My desperate need spurred the next question.
Do you have family back at home?
I do.
That’s it? I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw.
Okay, you obviously don’t want to talk about them. What are you doing now? Where do they have you?
Cami. If we are going to talk, you will call me by my name.
After a moment of strained silence, he finally responded. Very well, but you answer the question first.
Fine. I’m lying on a pallet staring at the ceiling. The same place I’ve been for far too long. Now you.
I’m pacing a small cell trying to figure out a way to disable the force field.
A force field? I had studied them briefly. Some advanced prison systems had already implemented them, replacing the archaic cell bars.
Do you know much about force fields?
Fem… Cami, don’t be da… I imagined him shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth. It is very frustrating to be held prisoner. Of course, I know about force fields, but getting free from one is a new concept for me.
I heard the frustration and could sympathize with him. At least a little. Instead of the cell, I felt imprisoned in this cottage. Never able to go outside unless I slipped out in the darkest of night. I briefly wondered if my NI could control the force field. Now more than ever, I wish I’d experimented more with it while on Earth. My superiors never encouraged it, they only wanted me to use it to control ship functions.
I have more room, others to talk with, but I still feel imprisoned here. I miss home, miss my family.
Then free me and I will take you home.
If only that were true. Could I trust a stranger? A dangerous one at that? I trusted Munic and Oddle and that turned out okay. I could be honest enough with myself to admit that part of me felt scared. I had to trust someone and at least he was offering. At least he didn’t sugarcoat things. Ha! Far from it.
I’m tempted.
It will be dangerous, but not impossible.
That’s the understatement of the year. Instead of saying it, I tried to change the subject. I needed to get to know him if this was to ever work. Tell me something about yourself.
I normally keep things private. It is safer that way.
Come on, work with me here. Yeah, I whined. But, if we were going to be partners, he could give me something. Even a little crumb of information. The whole Captain of the Royal Guard felt like name, rank, and serial number.
What would you like to know?
I wanted to say everything, but I knew it wouldn’t work with him. Tell me about your family. Do you have brothers and sisters?
Dead silence, but still I waited.
I have one sister and one brother.
Are they younger or older than you?
Talking to him felt like pulling teeth. Hard and painful. Why can’t you just talk? What’s so wrong about asking about your family?
Fine. Tell me about yours.
I miss them. I let the memories of our visit flood my mind. I’m an only child and I need to get home. I know they think I’m dead and it kills me not to be able to tell them otherwise.
I doubt my family knows I am missing. I have not seen them in a very long time.
Why not?
Duty to the Guard and Lord Garan, I suppose.
I could understand how time slipped away, but not visit…ever… I didn’t understand that. What did he do for holidays? Birthdays? How sad.
I honestly can’t imagine not seeing my family. Do you talk to them?
My sister visited once. It was a long time ago. Let us change the subject. Tell me who rescued you.
Silence greeted him. Did I want to expose my friends? Hmm…
I have told you a few things about me. If we are to escape, I need to know what I am facing.
They will not be of any help and I will not leave them behind!
Then let us plan. Who are they?
After a little internal deliberation, I finally answered. They are Jaurians.
I heard the harsh words but they didn’t translate. I don’t understand.
That was me cursing the fates. Jaurians are smart, but they will only slow us down.
They rescued me and I will not leave them. I’m not kidding, Zorvak! They took me in, fed me, and treated me like family.
Very well. I could tell he didn’t like it, but at least he agreed. Let us plan.
We spent the next hour planning our escape. He gave me the layout of the fight club. What doors to watch for, who to avoid and what little he knew about the guard routines. The more we talked, the easier it became. The conversation less stiff, not nearly as awkward as it was in the beginning. At first I craved his conversation, and the longer we talked, I enjoyed it.
What Did I Do!
The more I spoke to the female, the more she finally warmed. She was an enigma that I couldn’t figure out. My senses told me she was Ulayian, but she talked as one naïve.
We talked about the escape plan, but I had reservations about her involvement. If I had any other choice in the matter, I would take it. But as it stood, I was out of options. At least quick ones.
When she told me about the Jaurians, I silently moaned. They were slow pacifists who would die rather than fight back. But if taking them with us would procure her help, then I would begrudgingly do it. I desperately needed to get home.
The more she talked, the more I wondered. Finally, I just came out and asked.
Are you from Ulaya?
What is that? Is it like a city or something?
“Noooo!” I hissed as realization hit. I have formed a bond with another species. My fist balled in anger, not at her, but at myself. It is unheard of. To my knowledge, no other species have ever been compatible.
Ulaya is my home planet.
Then no, I’m not from Ulaya. What is it like?
Not like this place, I can assure you. When we get out of here, I’ll show it to you.
And then you’ll take me home?
I didn’t want to tell her that when I made that promise, I thought she was of my species.
Where do you call home?
I smiled and then frowned. The bond had grown rapidly; I could feel her hesitate and inwardly sigh. Did she feel it too? I didn’t think it was normal. Everything I had been taught said Compatibles could only speak mind to mind. It helped during times of combat, allowed fighters to coordinate silently, remain in stealth mode at all times. It also helped a male protect his bonded mate.
I scrunched my nose as I tried to recall suc
h a planet.
I haven’t heard of it. I felt her disappointment, felt her shoulders slump in defeat. It wasn’t something I was accustomed to.
I was afraid of that. Will you still try to get me home? I can fly the ship, I only need the coordinates.
You are a pilot? I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice. Females never left the planet. They were still important. Artist, teachers, scholars, but they were protected against the likes of the Humchins. There were too many black-market sex traders to risk letting them travel abroad without protection.
I am. The pride was easily felt and heard in her voice. I’m the first deep exploration pilot from Earth.
You have just started traveling deep space? How did she end up here? I must admit, no female has intrigued me as much as she has.
Yes, but it didn’t go as planned. As you can tell.
I don’t know… you are definitely in deep space. Her soft laughter made my lips curl upward. It sounded musical and light. A sound I desperately wanted to hear again.
That was totally by accident. I smiled when I heard her slight chuckle. I wanted to know more, needed to know more. Cami was unlike any other female I knew. I felt her yawn. I have enjoyed talking with you, but I need to rest.
Disappointment was an understatement. Rest well, Cami of Earth.
Goodnight, Zorvak.
With a bent knee, and one arm behind my head, I stretched out on the hard floor and stared at the ceiling. For the first time in forever, I thought about my family. Did they know I had been kidnapped? Did they worry about me? Maybe my sister, but only because she was different from the rest of us.
My father served as a local enforcer and never showed emotion. Mother understood the commitment and never questioned anything, which in turn almost made her the same as my father.
The first time I witnessed the Royal Guard in action, I knew that would be my calling. It was all I thought about, and at a young age, father sent me away for advanced training. I needed to train harder, be the best.
My thoughts drifted back to Camilla Ryan. What an odd name, very unusual, just like her. A female pilot whose brain patterns were so close to mine that I thought she was Ulayian. I felt a gamut of emotions when I talked with her. How could one female bring out so much in such a short time?