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Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles
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Zorvak’s Rescue
Hannah Davenport
Copyright © June 2017 Hannah Davenport
Title: Zorvak’s Rescue
Author: Hannah Davenport
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.
Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
All characters and events in this book are not real and are figments of my imagination.
I would like to thank my wonderful family for their patience. I’ve spent countless hours typing away on my computer, lost in the fantasy world that I have created.
I would also like to thank two of my beta readers, LS and Thais Peiffer. Their continued encouragement has pushed me to expand beyond my perceived limits, and made me a better writer. Thank you!
I would like to thank my fans! Without your support, none of this would be possible. If you haven’t already, make sure to sign up so you’ll always know about new releases. It’s easy, just go to hannahdavenport.com and click the contact page.
The Beginning
A Brand-New Planet
A Plan
A Brutal Fight
Who’s in My Head?
A Traitor Among Us
What Did I Do!
I Can Do This
An Unexpected Surprise
What Will I Do?
Building Walls
Getting Shot
Going Home
Change Is Coming
The Mansion
Who Are You?
The Beginning
The first chapter of Kavven, book 7 in The Azziarin Series, included at the end of the book.
Zorvak’s Rescue is a standalone sci-fi romance. If you love a book with action, adventure, suspense, and romance, then this one is for you. Told in two POV’s. Intended for audiences 18+
I spent my entire life training to be the Chief Pilot on the first deep space mission, but nothing could prepare me for what was to come. Hurtling through a black hole in my evac pod, landing on a hostile planet and needing to find a way home, making new friends, and eating the same god-awful soup every meal just to stay alive. I had to start over, learn everything from scratch. At least I have my Neuro-ocular Implant to help.
With two borrowed coins, I headed to the fight club. I didn’t know who to bet on, but when I spotted him, I wanted him to win. And then he started talking to me inside my head, telling me to free him and he’d take me home. His voice oozed sex but sounded like the promise of death. It both scared and excited me. Could I trust him? Could I refuse his offer to take me home?
When I find the traitor, he’s dead! After being drugged only to wake up a prisoner of the Humchins, a lawless species who runs fight clubs and pleasure ships, I had to escape.
I cast my senses wide, hoping to find a Compatible, even though it was extremely rare. And there she was. Another female from my planet. I struck hard, formed the mental pathways, and demanded she free me. She ignored my order. When she finally talked to me, the more I suspected she was not from Ulaya and I had bonded with an unknown species…sight unseen.
The Beginning
As I scurried through the crowded streets, I kept my head down, trying to skate by unnoticed. A nobody, that’s the way I preferred it. The crisp air chilled my bones, making me clutch the ends of my thin, dark cloak tighter together. I needed a way to get off this Godforsaken planet. The fight club wasn’t far away, and with only two borrowed coins to my name, I reluctantly decided to bet it all. If I could turn the two into four, or even six coins…well, every little bit helped.
This was not the life I dreamed of, or even wanted; to be the only human in this part of space, living on an unfamiliar planet - a very dangerous planet. The memories flooded back as I thought about the past six months, which seemed more like a million years ago. A dream come true, I scoffed. Not!
“Girl, for once in your life, you need to let loose and have some fun!” I glanced at Lara who had just walked into my dorm room and flopped down on my bed. She wore a short, tight red dress that barely covered her ass. Her long blonde hair flowed over one shoulder before she flicked it back. I could never look as beautiful as her. She had the curves that I didn’t, which filled out the dress perfectly.
“I can’t.” I slammed the study manual closed and turned to face my only female friend. “We take our final written and practical tests this week and I need to be ready.”
“You are ready,” she coaxed with pleading eyes. “Just this once, go to the club with us. You really need to unwind a little, hopefully get laid before your vajayjay dries up from lack.”
I burst out laughing. “Did you really just say, vajayjay?” Embarrassment stained her cheeks. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” Lara proved to be extremely book smart, but sometimes she lacked basic common sense.
“Well… it could happen.” Her face twisted in concentration while she really thought about it. I laughed a little more from her expression alone. “Oh, shut up,” she jested.
“Let me get through this week and I promise, we’ll have some fun. I just need to make sure that I beat Kevin. He’s stiff competition.”
Kevin was my greatest competitor. An arrogant asshole who thought women were inferior. Anything a woman could do, a man could do better. It didn’t help that women threw themselves at him. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. But his attitude just pissed me off. Every fiber of my being urged me to study harder, train longer, push myself, not only to be Chief Pilot, but to beat that asshole. Let him lose to a woman.
“Yeah, what’s with that attitude of his?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.” And I really didn’t.
“He’s going out with us tonight.” Lara averted her eyes as she played with the hem of her short dress.
My head shot up to her downcast eyes. An idea popped into my head as I bit my lower lip. Lara looked nervous about telling me that, maybe guilty, but that confession made me extremely happy. “Really?” Lara’s head snapped up. She looked puzzled at the excitement in my voice.
“Yes. I don’t know why; he never goes out with us.”
“Doesn’t matter why,” I giggled. “Hopefully he’ll get sloshed and blow his final test. Wouldn’t that be great?”
“Maybe I can help him,” Lara offered with a mischievous grin. “I could at least buy him a few drinks.” Her eyebrow raised in question. I knew she would try her best if I wanted her to.
I raised my hand, palm forward in warning. I hoped he got sloshed, but I wasn’t into sabotage. What fun would it be to win by cheating?
“Nah, just go have a great time and don’t worry about Kevin.”
“Sure you won’t come?” She gave me big puppy dog eyes. A look that got plenty of people, especially men, to change their minds. But not me, I was too focused.
“I’m sure.” A soft smile curved my lips upward. “Thanks for asking though.”
“Suit yourself.” She pushed up from the bed and straightened her skirt. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See ya.”
I watched Lara walk out of my room before turning back to the study manual. As the first female pilot considered for a deep exploration mission, I needed to train every day to prove I cou
ld be just as good, or better than any of the men. Workouts started at 0600 every morning, followed by breakfast, then honing my pilot skills, either with practice simulators or studying. My social life was nonexistent. Dating life, I scoffed at the thought and shook my head. What a joke!
At 2200, I shut the study manual and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I quickly changed in to my sleeping gown and climbed into the small, twin-sized bed. It didn’t take long to fall fast asleep.
The next day, after a good workout and a hot shower, I practiced in the simulator.
“Again!” Josh, the simulator instructor, ordered.
“That was perfect.” And it was. Flawless.
“Nothing is perfect, Camilla. Again.”
Thank God, Josh was in the control room, where he couldn’t see me roll my eyes, only hear me through his wireless headset.
“Make sure you use your NI this time.”
Accessing my NI, short for Neuro-ocular Implant, I connected to the simulator and started the program again. After another perfect landing, Josh’s pleased voice beamed through the headset.
“Much better! Do that a few more times and call it a day.”
I swelled with pride as I started the program again.
At the end of the week, while I was sitting in the cafeteria talking to John, another student, Lara came rushing over. Her eyes beamed with excitement, making her words spill out quickly. “Cami, have you seen the list?”
The list wasn’t due out until this evening. My body hummed with excitement and nervous energy mixed together. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.
“Is it up?” This was it, the moment I’d been waiting for.
“It is.” Lara grabbed my wrist. “Let’s go!”
I thought my heart would escape my chest as Lara pulled me out of the cafeteria and down the hall, heading toward the information board. Several others stood in our way as I bounced from one foot to the other. Come on, move!
I wanted to shove them out of the way, but that would be rude, so I waited, alternating between bouncing up and down and biting my nails. Had all my hard work paid off? Just as I opened my mouth to tell the others to move, one person stepped away, and then another. Lara grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the front. I couldn’t look! I couldn’t not look! Peeking up from the corner of my eye, I saw a white piece of paper tacked to the information board.
“I made it!” Lara squealed. “So did you, Cami!”
My head whipped around and my eyes zeroed in on my name. Time froze. Chief Pilot: Camilla Ryan
After a stunned pause, I took a much-needed breath. I did it! I raked a shaky hand through my fiery red hair.
“I can’t believe we will be on the first deep space exploration mission together!” Lara bounced up and down on her tiptoes--- unlike me, whose feet remained glued in place.
Scanning the list of names, (there were only six), I spotted Lara’s as well. Chief Engineer: Lara Stevens
My stunned eyes found hers. “We did it!” I said in relief as a slow smile spread across my face.
“We did!”
All of our hard work had paid off.
“Did you really have any doubts?” I wouldn’t admit it now, but yes, I did have doubts. Kevin was damn good, and tough to beat.
“Congratulations, Cami.” A deep voice sounded over the top of my head.
I looked up and over my shoulder. Kevin towered over me by at least six inches. “Thanks, Kevin.” He nodded and then walked away. I could have said so much more, even rubbed it in his face a little, but that would be unprofessional. Losing the Chief Pilot’s position to a woman was punishment enough for his arrogant attitude. I’m sure he will pilot the next mission, but this one was mine, I was the first!
A whirlwind of activities took place before our departure. Medical examinations to make sure we stayed healthy, meetings, parties to attend for professional reasons. The donors needed to feel important and meet the crew that would bring forth a new era for Earth. We hoped to discover new worlds with breathable air that could one day be used as settlements. Some even speculated a new planet could be used as a vacation resort. The possibilities were endless as everyone dreamed of a new future.
Earth was overpopulated and polluted, making it hard to breathe outside without a particulate mask. All my life, whenever possible, I’d always remained indoors, needing to keep my lungs as healthy as possible. Only the healthy would be considered for the mission. Not that I doubted the particulate mask worked, but it wasn’t a risk I was willing to take. I dreamed of starting over, a clean slate where I could live without the use of a mask. A planet with clean air, trees, lakes, and maybe a sandy beach. That would be my heaven.
The day before the mission, I took time out of my busy schedule to visit my parents. Even though it was only a thirty-minute drive, it was time I didn’t have, but took anyway.
“Ryan, I don’t like it.” Evan, my superior, said with censure in his voice. An older man with a balding head, a few wrinkles lined his eyes and lips, as his blue eyes pierced me with a steady stare. Yes, he was technically my boss, but not even Evan could stop me from visiting my parents. I had free time, I just never took it.
“Noted. I won’t be gone long, sir.” He didn’t seem to be amused with my wry grin. As evident by his tightly clenched jaw, probably wanting to object, but knowing he couldn’t. It was my right. Besides, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to tell their parents goodbye? Forget that, there’s probably a lot of people who wouldn’t. “I’ll be back soon.” I clutched the mask tighter in my hand.
Evan crossed his arms and sighed. “Just be careful. I don’t want you getting sick before the mission. Make sure you wear your mask at all times.”
“Understood.” I smiled, strapped the mask on, and headed for the door. Lara was gracious enough to lend me her car.
Pulling into the driveway of the brick ranch, I let out a sad sigh while I stared at my childhood home. It had seen better days. The shingled roof was weathered, the bricks dirty. I didn’t blame my dad; I wouldn’t be outside any longer than necessary either. It’s not as though many people saw the outside, everyone who visited would rush indoors as quickly as possible.
Clicking the release button for my seat belt, I stared at the house one last time. I would miss this place.
While hurrying up the concrete sidewalk, I glanced at the dead foliage that lined the path and wondered what it would look like in a healthy environment. Finding a new planet where flowers bloomed with vibrant colors and birds filled the sky the way they did in myths--- that was my dream.
As soon as I stepped onto the porch, the front door swung open. I rushed inside and Mom quickly shut the door behind me. I ripped off the particulate mask and smiled. “Hi, Mom.”
My mom, Jill, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a big hug. “I can’t believe you came.” Happy tears ran down her porcelain face. She looked great for her age. Never getting any sun kept her skin looking young. A few gray streaks shone through her auburn hair even though she was only forty-eight.
Tears threatened to escape but I held them at bay, at least until my eyes found my emotional father, Mack, and then I let them run freely down my face. Dad waited for his turn and then engulfed me in his strong, comforting arms.
When I stepped back, I swiped the tears from my face and smiled. “You know I wouldn’t leave without seeing you guys.”
“We hoped you would come, but we would’ve understood why if you didn’t. You have to stay healthy.” Mom took my hand and led me to the worn flowered couch. She sat on my right while Dad sat on my left. Each one holding a respective hand.
“Some things are worth the risk.”
“Oh, sweetheart. We love you, too.”
“I know, Mom.” My breath hitched. This was harder than I thought it would be. Just knowing that I may never see them again broke my heart, but the thought of one day giving them a better life… that meant the world to me. I had to try.
“So, tomor
row’s the big day?” Dad’s husky voice snagged my attention.
“Tomorrow’s the day,” I confirmed.
“Are you nervous?” Mom asked.
“Nervous. Excited. I want to find out what’s out there. Maybe find a new planet for all of us to live.” I softened my eyes and finished, “I will miss you both like mad.”
Mom pulled me close and cried. “We’ll miss you too, honey, but this is your dream. You must follow your dreams. Who knows what future is waiting for you out there?” All the air rushed from my lungs as relief filled my body. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders with my mom’s words. I knew I needed to follow my dreams, but them showing support and confirming what I already knew meant the world to me. I said as much.
“I know. But you saying it means everything.”
“We know you’ll do great. We are both so proud of you, Cami.”
“Thanks, Mom.” They were the main reason I’d done so well. They always encouraged me, convinced me I could do anything, be anything. Not only did I want to explore, I wanted to make them proud.
We spent the rest of the visit talking about test scores and the mission. I only stayed about an hour before I had to leave. With hugs and kisses, I left my family home and my parents with a heavy heart.
On the day of the mission, I looked in the mirror and adjusted my flight suit. My solemn green eyes stared back at me. This was it. With my particulate mask in place and my helmet tucked under my arm, I proudly walked to the ship that would be my home for an indeterminate amount of time. Everything I’d worked for all led up to this moment. The other five members of the team fell in line behind me as we climbed the steps one by one. Crowds cheered and clapped as I held my head high. The weight of the moment, the hope that rested on our shoulders was immense; these cheering people depended on us.
Once on board, I accessed my Neuro-ocular Implant, a device that allowed me to gather and access information at will from electronic, digital, and microprocessors with only a thought. The NI could adapt, then connect with any and all other, programs and would continue to learn and evolve. It provided everything I needed to know about this ship. An internal manual book.