An Azziarin Christmas (Scifi Alien Romance) (The Azziarin Series Book 4) Read online

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Mara chuckled. “No, but I don’t think those two,” Mara threw a look over at Chloe and Kavvan, “can take much more.”

  “Does it get worse?” Sydney asked with a grim face, her eyebrows drawn close together.

  “No, I don’t think so, but it doesn’t get any better, either.” Mara sighed, trying to let go of the painful memories, but it didn’t work. She thought about her parents. She assumed they were dead, but didn’t know for sure. She often wondered if they regretted what they did to her, if they ever thought about her, wondered where she was. She shook her head and pushed those thoughts, those questions aside and changed the subject.

  “Did anyone find a tree?” she asked.

  “I found one, but Kavvan wouldn’t let me cut it down,” Chloe supplied, shooting Kavvan an annoyed look.

  “I do not understand the purpose of killing a tree,” he shrugged.

  “You cut down trees to build houses, make furniture,” Sydney interjected.

  “That is different. They are used for a purpose.”

  “Our tree will have a purpose,” Sydney huffed.

  “Cutting a young tree to hang decorations on has no purpose. You a cannot even use the wood once you’re finished; it’s too small.”

  All the girls shot each other a knowing look. They would have their tree one way or another, even if they had to do it themselves.

  “Any thoughts on what to get the guys for Christmas?” Krista asked.

  “We can visit the market and see what they have, and I can use the replicator to make clothes.” Sydney looked excited as her eyes landed on each one of them.

  “Kavvan, can you take us to the market?” Chloe turned hopeful eyes on him.

  He stood with his legs slightly parted, his arms crossed, and with a stern look he said, “No.”

  “Why not?” Sydney asked. “We’ve never seen the market.”

  She waited for an answer, and he grudgingly said, “There are those who wish you harm. I cannot protect you all in a crowded marketplace.”

  “What about asking Sakku and Kassim?” Kattlyn questioned. Sakku was one of Dazz’s most trusted officers, while Kassim was Kollin's.

  “They are busy.” His voice was stern and unbending.

  After staring at him for a minute or so, Sydney finally said in annoyance, “Whatever,” and shook her head. “Let’s go to my room and make some Christmas presents.”

  “I am going to the training fields,” Kattlyn grinned.

  “You all go ahead,” Mara said. “I want to search for a tree.”

  “I’ll help you,” Chloe added as she jumped up and dusted her bottom off.

  “You will not go without a guard,” Kavvan ordered.

  “You’re just a ray of sunshine, aren’t you?” Chloe smirked as she crossed her arms and stared at Kavvan, mimicking his stance.

  “Go with them. We’re just heading to the castle, so we’ll be fine,” Sydney said as she waved her hand in dismissal. Kavvan looked from Sydney to Chloe and then to the castle as each group split up. They weren’t far away, and the castle was in sight. “Fine, but go straight to the castle, and don’t leave anymore without a guard.” He spoke to Sydney and Krista’s backs as they headed home.

  Chapter Four


  The four brothers each selected four trusted males to help search the Eastern Territory. They rode Kuls, furry beasts that reached six feet tall, three feet wide and ran on four legs. Riding the Kul was the best and easiest way to maneuver across rough terrain and through the trees. One by one, they searched each house, regardless of whether the people wanted them to or not. Wallace had given specific intel, and if the elusive uncle was here, they would find him.

  When Risshi’s team caught up to Zekke’s, Rishhi dismounted his Kul, taking the reins in one hand while running the other through his hair, frustration evident on his face. He was newly mated and wanted to be with Mara, but the need to help his family was just as strong. The differences they'd had in the past didn’t matter when someone was threatening the royal family. They banded together and took out the enemy.

  Blowing out a breath of frustration, Risshi asked, “Did you find anything?”

  Zekke dismounted and stood with his arms crossed. “No. He was not in any houses we searched, and either the people don’t know, or they are unwilling to reveal information.”

  “Same here,” Risshi said as he looked at a house that stood in the distance. A very nice one-level house made of fine wood. Maybe a noble lived there. “I still need to check that house.” He nodded over his shoulder in the direction of the house.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Risshi and Zekke had never been close. Risshi, Kattlyn, and Takkeo took after their mother, whereas Jakke, Dazz, Kollin, and Zekke took after their father. It felt odd working with them, but after mating Mara, it felt right for some reason. Maybe they could all find common ground if they were mated to humans. He grimaced as his eyes slid sideways to Zekke. He hadn’t mated a human… or anyone. His consorts were like a revolving door. Risshi had heard rumors about Zekke, but he never questioned any of it.

  “What is it?” Zekke gritted out as they walked side by side, each holding a sword. He was taller than Risshi and twice as thick. Of all the brothers, Zekke was the most feared.

  “Do you ever wish that you were mated?” It was uncommon to talk about private matters, so when Risshi asked, he kept his eyes trained forward.

  “No,” Zekke said and offered nothing else. He never looked at Risshi as they marched toward the house. Risshi gritted his teeth. So much for trying to talk to him.

  Risshi stood with his fist raised to pound on the door; Zekke stood behind him as he surveyed the yard. Before Risshi got a chance to knock, the door tore open and a big male barged at him with a drawn sword. Risshi was slow to react, and the sword caught him in the shoulder, slicing downward to his abdomen. He fell to his knees, gasping from pain as brown blood flowed freely down his chest and pooled on the porch around his knees.

  As the male raised his sword to finish the job, Risshi heard the sickening crunch of the male’s jaw as Zekke’s fist hit it. The male dropped the sword and staggered backwards. Zekke advanced on him with death gleaming in his eyes.

  Risshi needed to help! The gash in his chest wasn’t as deep as he’d first thought. It was painful, and it could be deadly if he didn’t get to a healer soon, as the blood continued to flow. Zekke advanced on the enemy, and Risshi spotted another male in the house as he bent down and picked up the fallen sword. Risshi stood with his sword in hand and took a couple of deep breaths until the blinding pain turned tolerable. He schooled his face and advanced inside the house. The new male kept his eyes trained on Zekke, and when he raised his sword, Risshi placed his against the male’s throat. He froze and Risshi didn't waver.

  After taking out his opponent, Zekke spun around and froze at the sight for a mere standard second, mindful of everyone around him.

  The male grinned. “Is that anyway to greet your uncle?”

  Kollin had told them of a birth defect but said only that it was very noticeable. Risshi had no doubt that the male standing in front of him was his uncle. He had the white hair of the Azziarins, but his skin was a little lighter. It reminded him of the Earth females with their fair skin. The big difference was his eyes. They were brown.


  Puzzling, yes.

  But not a reason to hide yourself away for standard years. Maybe the Earth females were changing him, changing them all. Mara had brown eyes and fair skin, and their young could take after their mother.

  “We’ve been looking for you,” Zekke said with a menacing grin as he shoved his sword against the male’s throat, taking the place of Risshi’s. “King Mallik is anxious to meet the male trying to kill his family.”

  “My family,” the uncle spat out.

  “No,” Risshi said. “Family does not try to kill its own.”

  “King Mallik will pay,” he spat. “I’ve had to hide all my life beca
use of him!”

  “No, because of your mother and father,” Risshi corrected. We didn’t even know you existed.”

  “Let’s go,” Zekke said in a harsh, demanding tone that was never questioned. When the ‘uncle’ turned, Zekke followed with the tip of his sword at his back.

  Risshi dropped his arm, bent at the waist, and rested his hands on his knees. He could feel the weakness as more and more blood slowly flowed from his wound. After resting for a couple of standard minutes, he righted himself and staggered outside. The walk back to the Kul was long, and before he could make it, he collapsed to the ground.


  Walking around the edge of the forest looking for a young tree, Mara inhaled deeply and smiled. The air smelled clean as it mingled with the fragrances of the surrounding foliage. She loved the smell of the outdoors. Everything was unique and wonderful, and she loved her new home. For a while, she thought her life was over, but now… now it felt like it had just begun. She looked down at her large belly and rubbed it as she walked.

  “What about this one?” Chloe asked.

  Mara turned to find a grinning Chloe standing next to a tree. Her best guess was it stood at least twenty feet tall. “It’s a little big, don’t you think?”

  Chloe looked at the tree. “You think it’s too big?” Her gaze traveled from the base of the tree to the top. “The castle has really high ceilings.”

  “Yes, but we can’t reach that high. How would we decorate it?”

  “Hmm…I see your point.”

  They searched some more, and then Chloe said, “Okay, how about this one?”

  Mara smiled when she saw the tree. “It’s perfect.” At six feet tall, it was shaped perfectly. The ideal Christmas tree.

  “You will not cut down the baby tree,” Kavvan said in a commanding tone.

  Chloe rounded on the guard. Stabbing her index finger in his face, she said, “Look here, buddy, you are not my boss, you are a guard. I’m not sure why you feel the need to verbalize your opinions, but keep them to yourself!”

  “I just don’t understand your need to kill a baby tree.”

  Mara thought about it and started to silently chuckle. The concept would sound strange to anyone. Where else but on Earth would you cut down a tree, drag it into a house and string lights around it?

  “Dazz and I will come for it later. Let’s head to Sydney’s room. I have some great ideas for gifts.”

  “Sounds good.” As they walked, Mara looked to Kavvan. “Where can I get a knife made for Risshi?”

  “What kind of knife?” His interest was piqued, and the superior attitude was gone.

  “A small pocket knife. We have them on Earth, and I wanted to get Risshi one.”

  “That’s a great idea! Maybe I could get Dazz one, too,” Chloe chimed in.

  “I don’t know of any knife that can be carried in a pocket. I can contact the smith who makes our swords and see if he can make if for you.”

  Mara turned to Kavvan, her happiness easy to see. “Thank you so much!”

  A smile teased his lips when he replied, “You are welcome.”


  They joined the other girls in Sydney’s room as they talked about presents for their mates. Everyone was excited! It would be great! They were all talking and sketching out ideas for gifts as they sat around a small table.

  “So Krista,” Mara started, “how are you liking Azziar so far?”

  “It’s different here, but I like it. I’m glad I’m not the only human.”

  “Yeah, it wasn’t so great being the only human here,” Sydney chimed in.

  “I worry about my baby, though.” Krista’s hand flew to her stomach in a protective gesture.

  “What did the healer say?” Mara inquired.

  “As of right now, everything looks okay. We’re all on pins and needles, though. Who knows what else the Tureis did.”

  They all sat in silence as they thought about what the Tureis could have done. Mara’s eyes lazily slid to Krista’s belly as scenarios played out in her mind. That could’ve easily been her, but she was already pregnant.

  “Mara,” Sydney said, getting her attention. “Tell us the rest of your story.”

  She grimaced. “There really is much more to tell.”

  “Of course there is!” Sydney exclaimed, excitement shining in her eyes. “What happened when your dad found out that you were pregnant?”

  “Way to be subtle, Syd,” Chloe scolded.

  “Like you don’t want to know what happened,” Sydney dismissed Chloe’s criticism.

  Mara thought back to one of the worst times of her life, and as the scene unfolded in her mind, she told them the rest of the story.

  The next day at school, everyone pointed and snickered at her, making her feel uncomfortable. Daniel had told! When she spotted him in the hallway, he never made eye contact as he walked by. She felt humiliated, dirty.

  After third period, she couldn’t take it anymore and ran to the bathroom to hide. Sitting in a locked stall, she heard the other girls talk as they came and went.

  “Did you hear that Daniel made it with Mara?”

  “The one who isn’t allowed to date?”

  “Yes, that Mara. The other guys made a bet. He had to have sex with a girl, a virgin that they chose for him. They are grumbling now. No one believed he even had a chance. I mean, she never dates, like…NEVER. Her dad is so strict.”

  The other girl laughed. “Who would have sex with a boy she went out with once?”

  “A whore, that’s who.”

  Mara heard them leave as she sat there and silently cried. In her mind, they were right: she was a whore.

  “You are not a whore!” Chloe ground out as she got to her feet once again. Her face twisted in anger.

  “Why do you want to know what happened if you get angry every time?” Mara didn’t understand it. Her story infuriated them all, but they still kept asking for more.

  “Because we care about you, and it’s important to know what you’ve been through so we can understand you better.” All eyes shot to Kattlyn as she spoke. “What? It’s true,” she shrugged.

  “That’s just…deep,” Sydney said and then turned her attention back to Mara.

  Mara grinned, then took a deep breath before she continued.

  The last five weeks at school were painful. Her parents forbade any after-school activities. Some of Daniel’s friends made lewd comments, while others asked her out on dates. Jenny was her only light in the darkness.

  “I’m late,” Mara whispered to Jenny one morning in the girls' bathroom at school.

  “What do you mean, you’re late?”

  Mara’s eyes were round with fear as she whispered, “My period. I’m late, and I’m never late!”

  “Oh my God, do you think you’re pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. What do I do?” Mara was panting with fear, her hands wet with anxious sweat.

  “Okay, let’s think this through. Don’t panic yet.” Jenny took a calming breath. “I’ll buy a pregnancy test, and you can take it tomorrow at school.”

  “Okay,” Mara replied and then hugged her friend. “Thank you.” She worried the rest of the day and couldn’t pay attention in class.

  The next morning, Jenny and Mara both skipped first period. They were alone in the bathroom when Jenny pulled out the pregnancy test. She read the directions aloud and then handed Mara the stick as she headed into the stall.

  When she came out holding the moist stick, Jenny looked at her watch and said, “Three minutes.” It was the longest three minutes of Mara’s life. The results would affect everything. Talk about life-changing. She worried her lower lip between her teeth as she paced, wringing her hands in a nervous gesture.

  “Okay, time's up,” Jenny said as she looked up from her watch.

  “I can’t look,” Mara said as tears stung her eyes.

  Jenny smiled sadly and picked up the stick. When their eyes met, Mara knew the answer. Jenny confir
med it when she said, “Two pink lines.” Mara fell to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably for a few minutes.

  Jenny put her arms around her and said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Ditch school?”

  “Yes. You need a day to let this sink in without everyone staring, wondering what has happened.” Mara nodded as the two of them left in Jenny’s car.

  The school year was almost over, and Mara still hadn’t told Daniel, but she needed to. She gathered her courage and approached him one afternoon, just before last period. He was standing with two friends by his locker. When his eyes connected with hers, the smile fell from his face. “I need to talk to you,” she said.

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “We’ll see you later,” one of his friends said as they both walked away, leaving them alone.

  “I’m pregnant,” she hissed under her breath.


  “What do you mean, and?”

  “I mean, what do you want me to do about it? I don’t even know if it’s mine.”

  “Of course it’s yours!” she hissed in anger.

  He leveled a cold stare at her and said, “You were pretty easy. Who knows how many others you’ve slept with?” He grabbed his books and slammed his locker door shut before he faced her again. “What’s the big deal? Just get rid of it. Problem solved.” He left her standing in stunned silence as he walked away.

  “What a scumbag asshole!” Krista muttered. Everyone turned to her, surprised by her comment. She didn’t normally talk much.

  “I agree,” Sydney said.

  “So what happened next? Did your parents find out?” Chloe asked as she sat on the floor with her legs crossed.

  “Oh yeah, they found out,” Mara grimaced. That was a very bad time in her life. “He and mom suspected and then confronted me about it.”

  Everything made her sick. The smell of bacon frying…yuck. Just the thought of food had Mara running to the bathroom. Her stomach couldn’t take much more. If didn’t matter if she’d eaten anything or not, she would still do the dry heave.