Dazz Read online

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  One Azziarin had taken on two Tureis, and although he was holding his own, she still wanted to help. After all she had endured at their hands, she had no sympathy for the evil race.

  They had destroyed Chloe’s planet, killed many of Earth’s people, and abducted the women. No, she had no love for this race of people.

  She always applied the same technique when approaching the enemy from behind. She quietly came up behind one of the two Tureis. The Azziarin’s eyes widened in surprise when they glanced her way, but he was too busy fighting to give away her position. Standing a few feet behind the enemy, she had to bring his height down closer to her own. He was at least six and a half feet tall.

  She did a roundhouse kick, knocking his feet out from under him. When he fell hard on his back, she quickly straddled him. Well, not exactly. She planted her knee firmly in his crotch, hoping it hurt him the same as it would a human man. It worked! He was in too much pain to notice the fist that came toward the side of his head. Crap, that hurt! She usually liked to use her elbows, but she didn’t want her body to be that close to his.

  Chloe had learned at a young age that an elbow was much more effective and less painful than a fist. Her dad had taught her that along with everything else she knew about fighting. “Use what you have,” he’d always said, and so she did, at least when she could.

  She jumped into a fighting stance and faced the two Azziarins, who had incapacitated their opponents. Her eyes collided with the one who made her insides tremble, and she couldn’t break the visual contact. Her breathing was already labored, but now it was for a different reason. What was wrong with her?

  Finally breaking eye contact, she shook her head to clear the haze and assess the situation. Neither one looked hostile, and when she realized they weren’t going to try to capture her, Chloe breathe a sigh of relief. All she wanted to do was rest for a few minutes…maybe a week. She didn’t have anywhere else to run, and frankly, she was tired of running, tired of fighting. What she really wanted was for life to go back to the way it used to be…before the aliens came.

  Fighting exhaustion, she let her body slide down the wall, until she sat on the cold, unforgiving floor while she tried to catch her breath. Neither one of them even looked tired. With her knees pulled to her chest, Chloe hugged her legs, and rested her head against the wall.

  They allowed her to rest for only a few minutes, and then her sexy Azziarin held out his hand. Hers? Where had that crazy thought come from, he wasn’t hers! Chloe shook her head and hesitated for a moment before she reached out and clasped his odd hand. She felt the tingle that jumped from his hand to hers as he gently pulled her to a standing position.

  Their bodies were touching as she stared into his bright blue cat eyes. She could feel her exhaustion fade as her heart beat rapidly, happy to be this close to him. Her breath hitched as she watched his diamond-shaped pupils dilate, and his nostrils flair. When the other Azziarin spoke, he broke eye contact and stepped away.

  She immediately felt the loss and sighed in relief or disappointment, she wasn’t sure which. Then he looked at her one once again and gently scooped her up in his strong, muscled arms. She laid her head against his hard chest and closed her heavy eyes in exhausted contentment and acceptance.

  Chapter Four


  How many of these Tureis can there be? Dazz still felt the tendrils of rage humming through his body. He worried about the female, and wondered constantly if she was safe. He should have taken her to safety before hunting down the enemy. Next time, he wouldn’t let her leave his side until he knew she was safe!

  As he turned the corner, he met two Tureis heading in his direction. He drew his phaser and shot the one on the left. The other one fired at him, making him dive to the floor before returning fire. The phaser beam hit its mark, and with both dead, he stepped over them and continued on.

  He found three Tureis fighting Rannd, one of the junior officers, and he wasn’t faring well. As Dazz approached, one of the three engaged him. They were too close to use the phaser, so they fought in hand-to-hand combat. He needed to dispose of his opponent quickly so he could help Rannd, who was barely keeping the other two at bay.

  Dazz doubled his efforts, hoping for a quick victory. When the enemy lay at his feet, he spun around and saw the female on top of the enemy. His blood boiled hotter as jealously filled his veins. It didn’t matter that she was fighting the Tureis, he didn’t want her to touch another male…ever!

  Before he had a chance to react, she jumped up and resumed a fighting stance. Ahh…I have a real fighter, he thought, trying to keep the grin from his face.

  After she relaxed her fighting stance, he could she the exhaustion plaguing her small, delicate body. Dazz realized that not only were her bones different, but she didn’t have the fighting endurance they had either.

  “Commander,” Rannd spoke. “The ship is clear. These were the last remaining three.” Confusion must have shone on his face. “It just came across the com-unit.”

  “Thanks, Rannd.”

  They allowed the female a few standard moments of rest before Dazz offered her his hand. When she took it, he noticed how her odd hand looked in his, her four fingers next to his five, creamy white on his dark skin. Her beautiful green eyes looked tired, so he took a chance and scooped her up into his arms. She didn’t protest, and he saw she quickly fell asleep.

  He carried the female as he and Rannd walked down the corridor. She needed to rest and he couldn’t think of a better place than his quarters… specifically, in his bed.

  After parting ways with the junior officer, Dazz carried the small female into his quarters and laid her on the big bed. Even though she remained asleep, he longed to lie down beside her, wrap himself around her. Alas, duty called and she needed to rest.

  “Commander?” Sakku spoke through the com-unit. He knew his soldiers waited for orders.

  “Sakku, have Security do another sweep and make sure there are no lingering Tureis waiting to surprise one of us, and get a detail to get rid of the bodies. I’ll be there soon and I want to know how they got on board my ship!”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  The female hadn’t moved, and he couldn’t help but stare at her. She certainly was different…odd…beautiful. Unlike Jakke, Dazz didn’t have a problem joining with females of other species, and he certainly wanted to join with this one.

  With one last look, Dazz let out a soft sigh and then whispered, “I’ll be back. Rest well.”

  When he left his quarters, he briskly walked to the Bridge, and without slowing down, he said, “Sakku, Kainn, Chasse, my Ready Room, now.”

  When he walked over to the desk, he didn’t sit down. Instead, he leaned against it with his arms crossed. After the last male entered, he said, “I want to know how they managed to get on board without detection!” He slowly looked each one in the eye, letting them see the seriousness of the situation.

  “Commander,” Chasse started, “I ran a full diagnostic, and it appears that someone has tampered with the ship’s sensors.”

  “Someone opened the hatch doors in the Cargo Bay, giving them entrance and allowing them to board,” Kainn added.

  Dazz fumed. If what they said was true, then he had a major problem on his ship. “We have a traitor,” he said in a low, deadly voice. Anyone found conspiring with the enemy would regret it!

  “We have a Tureis in the holding cell,” Sakku supplied. He had lost a brother when the Tureis attacked Azziar and had no love for the hated enemy.

  “Good,” Dazz said looking straight at his friend. “I want you to interrogate him, find out who helped him. I want to know everything!”

  “Yes, Commander,” Sakku said with a predatory grin on his face.

  “Chasse, is there any damage to my ship?”

  “No, Commander. The shields held.”

  Dazz felt confident that his most trusted officers would handle things. “If you have any questions or concerns, I’ll be in my quart
ers. Sakku, notify me once you have talked with the prisoners.”

  “Yes, Commander,” Sakku hesitated with a question on the tip of his tongue. Dazz knew he wanted to know about the female.

  “One more thing, have Banne send a sub-space message to the Victory. See if they have an updated program that includes the language of the Dreama Sector. I need to be able to communicate with the female that’s currently on board.”

  “You think she’s from the Dreama Sector?” Chasse asked.

  “I’m hoping. Otherwise it will be…difficult at best.”

  Chasse nodded before they filed out one-by-one, leaving Dazz alone and giving him time to think. His mind filled with thoughts of the exotic female lying in his bed. His body wanted nothing more than to join with her, to make her his, but his mind kept telling him to calm down…think.

  They both needed nourishment, so he decided to stop by the Dining Hall before heading back to his quarters. Then what? Every time he got near her, his mind turned hazy, and he was barely able to control himself while desire ran rampant in his body. With any luck, she would still be resting.

  Dazz carried a tray filled with a variety of foods back to his quarters. Every step closer to the female made the tension ease more. He couldn’t wait to get back to her.

  She was still asleep in his bed when he entered. Dazz set the tray down on a nearby table, and after staring at her for a mere moment, decided to lie down next to her.


  In a half-awake dream state, Chloe felt warm and comfortable as she snuggled next to a heater. It was wonderful to have the chance to rest in such a comfortable bed, not having to worry about anything. She rolled over and as her eyes slightly opened for the first time, she saw bright blue cat eyes looking back at her. He was lying next to her, and now they were face-to-face! She gasped in surprise, but she didn’t move. They just studied each other.

  If she were honest with herself, she liked him being next to her in bed. His tongue darted out and moistened his luscious lips. She swallowed hard, trying to refrain from pressing her lips to his, tasting their wetness. Oh, but she wanted to!

  Chloe could feel the wetness between her legs as her core creamed. Her heartbeat echoed in her ears while butterflies swirled in her belly. She wanted him so badly; she could actually feel the slight tremble in her body.

  Control! She needed control! She didn’t know this male, didn’t even know his name! She needed to get up; the problem was, she didn’t want to. Chloe had always done what she wanted, when she wanted, and right now, she wanted him! The only reason for her hesitation---he was an alien. Could she do it? Could she take what she wanted? On earth, the answer would be a resounding yes! She was never the shy one.

  While her desire and mind warred with each other, Chloe chose the safer route. “I need to pee.”

  She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After doing her business, she splashed cold water on her face and tried to cool the raging fire he had ignited, surprised by her ability to resist him, but happy that she was strong enough to do so. Splashing water on her face one last time, Chloe casually walked back to the main room.

  Surprised to find him standing at a small table instead of where she’d left him, she smiled with relief before spotting the tray on the table. When he removed the lid, Chloe eyes zeroed in on the delicious-smelling food. For the last several months, all she had had to eat was canned goods.

  “Would you like something to eat?” he asked.

  “When did you bring food?” she asked simultaneously, and they both laughed.

  He pulled out a chair, and after she sat down, he took the one facing her before giving her his full attention. “It seems as though we have a problem. Our translators don’t understand your language, and I’m guessing that you don’t understand ours.”

  “I don’t know why you brought me here, but if you think I’m having sex with you just because my body wants me to, then think again,” Chloe answered.

  They sat there staring into each other’s eyes, and when Chloe smiled, he gave her one in return.

  “As I was saying, we don’t know your language. I had one of my males send a sub-space message to the Victory. I feel confident they will have an updated program that includes your language, if you are indeed from the Dreama Sector,” Dazz finished.

  She smiled sweetly, “I don’t care how sexy your voice is, I’m still not having sex with you. You might as well stop trying to talk me into it.”

  Dazz laughed a big, boisterous laugh. “I think this is the most ridiculous conversation I’ve ever had with anyone.”

  Chloe loved the sound of his laugh; she also appreciated how he tried to take care of her. Sitting here, eating and trying to talk with him, she realized that not only did her body want him, but she genuinely liked him.

  “I don’t care how bad I want to jump your bones. I don’t even know your name. I’m Chloe, by the way,” she said, smiling sweetly at him. Then pointing to herself, she slowly said, “Chloe.”

  He looked momentarily confused, then smiled, and said, “Soo-ee.”

  “No, Chloe,” she repeated, still pointing at herself.

  “Noo-soo-ee,” he repeated.

  This was more frustrating than she thought, so one last time, she said, “Chloe.”

  He repeated what she said again, “Soo-ee.”

  “Close enough. At least now, I’ll know if you’re talking to me.” She pointed at him.

  “You want to know my name?” He pointed to himself, “Dazz.”

  “Das,” he grinned when she spoke his name. “Really, that’s it, Das? Okay, that name’s easy enough.” They both gave each other a happy smile as they continued to eat.

  Everything tasted wonderful except for a long, slender red thing that left bitterness on her tongue. She made herself swallow the one-and-only bite, but regretted it immediately.

  Her tongue started to tingle and swell, her vision blurred, and she struggled to breathe. She knew he was talking to her, but she only heard muffled tones.


  He knew her name! Just knowing what to call her warmed his soul, as he tasted her name on his lips. What a beautiful yet odd name. He loved the happy look on her face as they smiled at each other.

  Something’s wrong! He saw the panic flash across her face. She struggled to breathe, and Dazz didn’t hesitate. He scooped her light body up in his arms and ran to Sick Bay.

  “Stavven!” he yelled as he burst through the door. “Stavven!”

  “What’s wrong?” Stavven came running out of his office just as Dazz laid Chloe on the examining table.

  “She’s having trouble breathing! Do something!” Dazz stood beside the table, holding her small, delicate hand, the hand so unlike his own. She had to be alright!

  “Commander, MOVE!” Stavven insisted sharply. “Zanne, get over here!” Zanne was Stavven’s assistant for the standard day.

  Stavven pushed Dazz aside, and hurriedly moved the scanner over her body.

  “What’s going on?!” Dazz half-asked, half-demanded.

  “She’s not breathing! Zanne, get me the stabilizing injector!”

  She’s not breathing! Dazz stood with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face, hiding the fear that infused his body as the words Stavven spoke echoed in his mind.

  He watched them work in silence and then heard the sweetest sound, “Das.” It was only a rasping sound, but he still heard it. “Das,” she said again.

  He walked to the other side of the bed and took her odd hand into his. Her eyes found his, and he could see the fear and the relief shining back at him.

  Without breaking contact, he asked, “Stavven, what happened?”

  “She had an allergic reaction to something. What was the female doing when she started having trouble?”

  “We were eating.”

  “I need to know everything she had to eat so I can test her. She is deathly allergic to whatever caused this, and the next time, we might not be so lucky.”
  “We had only fruits and vegetables.”

  “I think I’ll test her for everything just in case there is something else she’s allergic to as well.”

  “How long will she have to remain here?” Dazz asked.

  “Not long, just a few standard hours. I will need to get some blood so I can run the test.”

  “If you can do so without causing her undue stress, inject a translator so she can understand us.”

  “The Tureis didn’t give her a translator?”

  “No,” he clenched his jaw as he thought about how scared she must have been.

  “I’ll see that it’s done.”

  Dazz nodded as he stared into her relieved eyes. With one hand holding hers, he used the other hand to gently brush the hair from her face. She was so different, so strange, and so beautiful.

  He sat there holding her hand until she drifted off to sleep. His com-unit beeped. He pushed the button, and Banne responded, “Commander, you have a sub-space message from the Victory.”

  “Thank you, I’ll take it in my Ready Room.” With one last look at the sleeping female…Chloe, he corrected himself---he whispered, “I’ll be back.”

  Sitting at his desk, he tapped the holo-pad and Jakke’s face appeared on screen. “Dazz, we received your request for an updated language program. We do have the language of the Dreama Sector, and I’ve sent the program to all of the ships, and expect every translator to be updated.” His eyes softened as a smile spread across his face. “I want everyone to be able to understand my mate, especially my brothers.” The message ended and Dazz laughed. His brother had a mate from the Dreama Sector.

  Looking at the attached program, Dazz pressed his com-unit. “Banne, I have the requested program, and need every translator updated, starting with mine.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Excitement filled Dazz as he thought about finally getting to communicate with Chloe. He was thinking about everything he wanted to ask her when he heard the familiar door chime. “Enter.”