Kavvan (The Azziarin Series Book 7) Page 6
“Feel better?” My eyes shot up and met Var’s.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Good. Come on and I’ll show you where things are and how they work.” I walked beside him, and when we were out of earshot of everyone else, Var leaned his head to the side and whispered, “Don’t get too close to Pitrea.”
“Why?” I whispered as I glanced around, looking for the female in question and hoping she didn’t hear us.
“Their race is volatile. If she gets upset with you, she’ll rip your head from your shoulders and think nothing of it. It’s acceptable behavior on her planet, but I’ve cautioned her about the use violence here.”
I nervously threaded my fingers through my hair trying to get the tangles out. “Okay, thanks.”
“Now, would you like to tell me how you got those scars?”
I glanced up at Var’s stern face and quickly averted my eyes. There were things I never talked about, and I wasn’t starting now. Especially with a stranger. Instead of answering, I shook my head and kept walking.
It was morning before Jane and Clara came back. The big alien, Notia, strolled in, carrying someone over his shoulder. The guy was huge!
Clara scampered in with a huge grin on her face. Her eyes looked tired, but she couldn’t hide her giddiness. “Hey, Amanda. We brought you a present.”
“What it is?”
“An Azziarin. Maybe he can tell you where your friend is.”
I rushed past Clara. Jane stood staring at the unconscious alien who had his hands and feet tied up. When I looked at his slack face, my heart pounded with excitement, mingled together in a weave of angry strands. He was the one who took Susan. If my eyes could shoot lasers, he’d be dead right now.
The Meeting
“What do you mean Nikkul is missing?” I shouted at Padda when he told me the news. Something was wrong with me. I knew that as I paced with agitation.
“Commander, the Alpha team reported that he just vanished. They searched but couldn’t find him anywhere.”
“Where were they when he disappeared?”
“On the edge of the marketplace near the forest.”
I swallowed once and gritted my teeth. I could feel my fangs drop just below my upper lip. “I’ll be in my ready room.” I stormed off the bridge and headed to the office.
I grabbed a mug and topped it off with Fire’s Breath, trying to quell the urge to destroy something… anything.
“What’s wrong with you?”
Susan stood just inside the door. I drank half the mug and then shook my head. “I do not know.”
It hit me full force. Could this be mating fever? Is this what Jakke experienced when he was around Sydney? I narrowed my eyes at Susan as I downed the rest of my drink and poured another.
It didn’t make sense. If Susan was my mate, I should have known it instantly. Staring at her, I strode over with sure, methodical steps. I could see the pulse in her neck quicken as I leaned down and smelled her desire. She smelled good, but… I shook my head. Nothing about her smell made me want to throw her on my bed and ravish her.
Yes, she was beautiful. Yes, she smelled good. But she was not my true mate. Her face fell when I walked away and dropped into a chair.
“You don’t want me?” Susan crossed her arms in a defensive gesture.
“You are not my mate.”
“WHO THE HELL SAID I WANTED A MATE?” Her arms flailed as she screamed at me. After two deep breaths, she reined in some of her anger and finished, “Maybe I just wanted to feel human again.” I took another drink, but she just waved her hand and stomped out of my ready room.
The more I thought about Nikkul, the more I wanted to punch something. I slammed my drink down on the table and headed back to the bridge. “Padda, send me the Alpha team’s location.”
“You’re going down to the planet?”
I turned hard eyes on him. “Yes.”
“Commander, I must caution you against it.”
Was it the smart thing to do? No! But something deep inside pulled me in that direction. In the last few standard hours, I thought I’d go mad. My thoughts and emotions were erratic, and this was something I needed to do. “Duly noted.” My tone was dismissive as I focused on heading to the surface.
“Commander,” Padda approached cautiously. “Maybe you should let Sora check you over before you head down to the planet?” He raised one eyebrow.
My temper flared once again, and I wanted to punch my officer, my friend. “I’m fine,” I gritted out as I stormed from the bridge, even though I knew I wasn’t. Heading toward the cargo bay, I quickly changed directions, rounded a corner, and walked straight into medical.
Sora looked up, startled by my fierce entrance. “Commander, what can I do for you?”
He hurried over, and I sneered at the absurdity of the situation. “Sora, there is something wrong with me.”
“Could you be more specific?” he said as he pulled out his hand held medi-scanner.
“I’m agitated, for one.”
“Go on,” he waved the scanner over my body.
“I’m not thinking rationally, but there is nothing I can do about it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Nikkul has vanished, and I need to go to the planet’s surface.”
“You need to find your lieutenant.”
“Yes. No.” I shook my head in agitation and waved away the comment. “I’m sure Nikkul is just following a lead, and he will be fine.”
“Then what’s the prob—” Sora’s faced twisted in surprise as he stared at the scanner.
“Sora,” I growled. “Tell me!”
“Commander, I think you are in the early stages of mating fever.”
“Impossible!” My fist clenched until my knuckles turned white.
“It’s not impossible. There is a human on board this ship.”
He looked at me with pity in his eyes, and I growled, showing my teeth. His thoughts were clear. He pitied the fact that I would be stuck with a foul-mouthed, disrespectful female. “She is not my mate.” I enunciated every single word, making sure he understood. Not that Susan wasn’t a beautiful female with whom I enjoyed polite conversations. At least until she became angered. But Susan was not my mate.
“There is no other possible explanation, Commander.”
I puffed out a breath and crossed my arms. “Can you give me something for this agitation?”
“Yes, certainly. After Prince Jakke met his true mate, all ships now carry the serum to suppress the mating fever.”
I remembered all too well how I’d offered to kill Sydney, and Jakke nearly ripped my head off for it. “Just do it!”
Instead of heading down to the surface, which I knew was an impulse move, I stalked back to my ready room and had yet another mug of Fire’s Breath. I could feel the effects of the injection already calming my volatile emotions. Now I just had to think rationally and come up with a plan.
At second meal, I thought about Susan and what Sora had said. Not for a moment did I believe that she was my true mate, but I didn’t like the way things were left between us.
I discarded my tray, grabbed one for her and carried it to her quarters. When the door slid open, I spotted her tear-stained face asleep on the couch. I winced, knowing I had caused the situation.
Standing in front of the couch, I set the tray on the table and knelt in front the sleeping female. “Susan,” I said quietly, not wanting to startle her. “Susan.” I placed my hand on her upper arm and gave it a little shake.
Her eyes popped open in fright. She puffed out a breath and said, “Oh, it’s you.”
“I’m sorry for earlier. Please forgive me.”
She sat up, placing her feet on the floor. “There is nothing to forgive.”
“I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some food.”
“Thank you.”
I nodded, gave her
a tight smile, and said, “I’ll see you later.” I needed to get to the planet.
I faced the white-haired alien, who blinked in and out of consciousness. “Where’s Susan?” I demanded as I stomped my foot. Childish? A little, but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted to know where Susan was.
“Leave him alone.” My head whipped around to see Jane standing right behind me. “Seriously, Amanda, Notia hit him hard over the head. Have you seen the size of that alien? The Azziarin is small compared to him.”
I glanced from the Notia to the Azziarin. Notia was much taller and wider. “I can see that.”
“Just give him some time, and then we will just ask him about your friend. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding.”
“Why are you defending him?” My tone came out sharper than I wanted.
“I’m not.” Jane narrowed her eyes and looked confused.
I shook my head, walked away, and sat at a safe distance, where I could keep my eyes on the Azziarin. He wasn’t getting away from me.
I watched with anger as Jane stayed next to him the entire time. When she thought no one was watching, her face softened, and she stole little glances. It was clear she had a soft spot for him. Not that it mattered to me. I would find out what he did with Susan!
About an hour later, I heard the Azziarin’s soft moans. I leaped to my feet and headed over to where he sat.
When his eyes opened, he sniffed, his gaze shot to Jane, and a low growl escaped his throat.
“Untie me,” he demanded while his eyes remained locked with Jane’s.
I shook my head and sneered. “Not on your life! Where’s my friend?” Jane took two steps toward the Azziarin before I stepped in front of her. With one hand on her chest to halt her steps, I looked incredulously at her. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Silence in the cave made my ears burn. Everyone stared. Jane glanced around but I kept my eyes trained on her. “I don’t think he’ll hurt anyone, Amanda.”
I violently shook my head. “You don’t know that. And what if he takes off? I’ll never find Susan.”
“He won’t.” Jane crossed her arms and looked at the floor.
I pleaded with her. “Let me find my friend first, and then you can do what you want. Please, Jane.” I wasn’t above begging.
Var walked up behind Jane and placed a hand on her shoulder. The Azziarin growled, “Don’t touch her!” To my astonishment, Jane stepped away from Var. What kind of hold did he have over her?
I was looking between both the Azziarin and Jane when Var said, “We are not in the habit of keeping prisoners.” With his eyes on the Azziarin, he said, “Let him go.”
“No!” I rounded on the Azziarin. “Where is my friend?”
He studied me for a mere second. “You’re Amanda.”
When my name fell from his lips, I staggered back before landing on my ass. All the fight drained out of me. “Please, just tell me where she is. Is she okay?” My glossy eyes pleaded for the truth.
“She’s fine. We rescued her before she could be sold at the auction.”
I tilted my head to the side and tightened my lips. He’d just lied to me. “You didn’t rescue her, you bought her. I watched you grab her arm and drag her away.”
The Azziarin squared his shoulders as best he could, raised his chin, and said, “You would rather we fight everyone there? Giving them credits was much more effective and less bloody.”
“Where is she now?”
“On our ship.”
Var had stood silently listening. “Why are you still here?”
The Azziarin looked to Var. “We learned a human was still here. Her.” His eyes glanced at me. “We came back. I am Nikkul, Second in Command of the Victory.”
Var nodded. “Untie him,” he ordered.
Jane raced over and quickly undid the knots that secured his hands. The scene that played out was something from a nightmare. When Jane got close, Nikkul sniffed and then growled. His teeth dropped down, showing sharp points. My heart beat erratically as I whispered, “Vampire.”
I ran. I had to get away. I flew from the cave, pumping my legs as fast as they would carry me. I rounded trees, jumped over rocks—the only thing I remained conscious of was avoiding the man-eating vines.
As I rounded another tree, I hit something hard, bounced back, and fell, half-afraid to look up. My eyes landed on the shiny pants that most everyone wore. Swallowing hard, my eyes slowly traveled upward. Thick thighs, a narrow waist, tree-trunk arms crossed over a massive chest. I stopped at his neck, unable to look at his face. The sound of my labored breathing was the only noise in the forest. That, and my pounding heart.
“There you are, thief.” My eyes shot to his sinister face. Flaming eyes that held the promise of death. He reached down, grabbed my hair, and started dragging me toward the market.
I screamed in both fear and pain. I twisted from his grip, trying to get loose.
“You think you can steal from the Guada family and get away with it?”
I didn’t know who this guy was, but he wasn’t the one who chased me that night. Maybe a hired gun. “Let me go!” I screamed as I tried to get to my feet. A gash cut deep into my leg from a sharp rock. Another gash on my hip. He didn’t care. His steps never slowed, and neither did his abuse. Tears stained my eyes and my cheeks, but I kept fighting.
“Let go of me, you son of a bitch!” I clawed at his hand and his lower forearm with my nails. Letting go, I laid my hand on the ground and let it rake across the forest floor. A small rock cut my hand as he dragged me along, but I clutched it tightly in my palm. Using all my strength, I smashed the rock against his arm hoping to make him bleed.
He shouted in pain and let go of my hair. I turned and scuttled away before I jumped to my feet. My left leg almost gave out from the pain, throbbing as it bore my weight. He stepped forward with giddy evil in his eyes. He lunged, grabbing my upper arm in an agonizing grip. “Oh, God,” I cried out in pain. In a quick move, his arm swooped around my legs and he tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Every blow to his back only hurt my hand.
A tear fell down my cheek as I gave up the fight… at least for now. I had to save my strength.
Mating Fever
I waited until the next morning, when I knew I was once again in control, and I took a shuttlecraft to meet the Alpha team. As I disembarked, Coddin stepped forward.
“Commander.” He bowed his head as he clutched his phaser. A short sword was strapped to his back. I glanced at the team before my eyes landed on him.
“Any word on Nikkul?”
“No, Commander. We searched the area, but the smells are all mixed together. We’re unable to get a good lead.”
“Show me.”
Coddin nodded, turned to the Alpha team, and they headed out in a practiced formation.
Everyone we passed stared at the sight of so many Azziarins on this planet. Most hid, and nobody ever engaged us.
When we arrived at the edge of the forest, I sniffed. I could faintly smell Nikkul’s lingering scent, but there were others. I glanced at Coddin, “Wait for me here.”
“Yes, Commander.”
I headed into the forest, sniffing as I went. Nikkul’s scent kept changing with his emotions until it went faint.
A scream echoed from the trees—a scared, pained scream. I took off at a sprint, needing to help whoever was in trouble. The smell of blood interlaced with the scent of fresh rain made my fangs drop. Mate!
A primal haze propelled me forward. I had to save her. In the distance, another scream tore loose from her throat.
I stopped running and closed my eyes, trying to regain some control. When I opened them again, I spotted a little splatter of red.
Squatting down next to a rock, I dipped my finger in the drop of blood and brought it to my nose. A quick sniff, and I knew it belonged to my mate.
sp; “Commander, we heard the scream!”
I glanced over my shoulder. Coddin and his team had caught up to me. Slowly getting to my feet, I closed my eyes and tried to sniff her direction. The smell of blood was overpowering.
Up ahead, a few more drops of blood splattered the ground. It was easy to see that someone had dragged my mate over it only a short time before.
My temper flared, I focused on the direction they traveled, and I tracked their movements. I would find her and whoever hurt her.
“Amanda!” someone shouted from a distance.
I glanced at the Alpha team leader and nodded in the direction of the voice. “Go check it out.”
One quick nod and he, along with two other members of the team, headed toward the feminine voice.
I tracked the other female through the forest. With the slowing blood, the trail was harder to follow visually, but the scent of fear never faded.
I stood looking toward the marketplace, knowing that she was out there. I walked, unseeing, letting her scent lead the way. The rest of the Alpha team followed closely behind but never made a sound.
Standing in front of an old door, I signaled for them to wait outside. Using the bottom of my boot, I kicked the door in and rushed inside.
Rage ignited in my blood at the sight. A red haze covered my vision as a low, menacing growl escaped. The Travistion was hunched bare-chested over my naked mate with his trousers around his ankles.
He jumped to his feet, and I watched in fury as the female rolled to her side and drew her knees to her chest. A loud roar escaped me when I lunged for him. He would pay!
A punch to his face and he laughed. “Is that all you’ve got, Azziarin?”
“Travistion, your type has always been lowlifes. Having to force a tiny female isn’t new to you, is it?”
He shrugged. “She stole from the Guada family, and I’m just having some fun before I collect payment.”
My heart beat wildly. I glanced at my mate who lay motionless on the floor. I needed to get to her, make sure he hadn’t hurt her. With one quick movement, I drew the short sword that was strapped to my back.