Dazz Page 2
As her eyes slowly opened, everything appeared blurry, hazy. When her vison finally focused, Chloe noticed the clear glass in front of her face. Beyond that, she noticed one bright light on the white ceiling.
She wiggled her fingers and toes, noticing that nothing hurt. Strange! The last thing she remembered was that her eyes were swollen shut and her body hurt everywhere in agony. How did I get here? She wondered for just a moment.
Feeling around inside the chamber, her fingers found a latch. It took a little time, but once she released it, the glass door sprang open and Chloe took a deep breath of open, clean air.
After climbing out of the chamber, she landed softly on her bare feet. She expected pain, but felt only mild soreness. Shaking out her arms and legs, she noted they worked fine and she felt strong. She glanced back at the medi-chamber, amazed at how it had completely healed her body in such a short amount of time. She didn’t even feel hungry anymore, she felt…normal…almost as if she could take on the world.
“Okay, I need to get out of here,” she mumbled even though she didn’t know where here was. At least she wasn’t in a dark cell still chained to the floor. When that thought passed through her mind, one lone tear came to her eye, but she hastily wiped it away. She didn’t have time to feel sorry for herself; she’d do that when she was safe, and hopefully back home. Right now, she needed to be strong.
Looking around the sterile room, yep, definitely a hospital of some type, she needed a way to escape before her captors---or rescuers--- came back.
She scanned the entire room but only saw the one door. Not knowing where she was or who might be waiting for her, she didn’t want to just walk out like she had on the Tureis ship. That had ended badly.
With her hands on her hips, she let out a frustrated sigh while looking up. “Why me?” she silently asked herself. That’s when she saw it---a covered vent near the top of the wall. “Yes!” she thought, elated. Studying it more closely, she knew it would be a tight fit, but it could work.
Chloe pulled over a chair and placed it near the wall underneath the vent. When she stepped on top of it, she still wasn’t high enough to reach the vent. Dammit! At five-feet-ten, she considered herself tall for a woman.
A small table in the corner caught Chloe’s eye. It stood a little bit taller than the chair she was using. It took some doing, but she finally maneuvered the table near the wall. When she climbed on top of it, she stretched her body until her fingers barely reached the vent, but she still wasn’t high enough.
Chloe hopped down off the table and grabbed the chair. After placing it on the table, she climbed back up and could now easily reach the vent. She grabbed the grate that covered the opening and pulled as hard as she could. With one last grunt, the grate swung free and fell to the metal floor, making a loud, clanking noise.
Worried that someone would hear and come to investigate the noise, she grabbed hold of some type of seam inside of the vent. It took more strength than she’d anticipated, but she finally pulled herself through the narrow opening.
Surprisingly, she found the ventilation shaft widened just beyond the opening, and she was able to move through it on hands and knees.
Lying on her back and breathing heavily, she closed her eyes and rested for just a second before turning onto her hands and knees.
Chloe slowly crawled through the vent shaft until she found another grate and peered through it. Ah…I’m on an Azziarin ship! She thought, as she watched while one Azziarin talked with another.
Two males sat in the room, one behind a desk, the other in a chair facing him. The one in the chair took a sip of something and it made Chloe’s mouth water.
“Has the female woken up yet?”
“No, the last time I checked, she was still in the medi-chamber. Stavven said it would be at least two more standard days until she wakes, but her body was healing at a faster rate.”
Chloe’s eyes focused on the one behind the desk, the one who had just spoken. Even though she couldn’t understand him, his voice poured into her soul, making her body crazy. Her breathing grew rapid as her heart pounded. Her womanhood throbbed with want…with need… as her nipples hardened. She closed her eyes then slowly opened them, trying to will her body under control.
“You still don’t know what species she is, Dazz?”
Chloe heard the other one speak, but focused on the one behind the desk. “Not yet,” he answered. Who is he? She silently watched his luscious lips as they moved, forming the words that she could listen to all day. She could barely see the tips of his fangs, which might have scared her if she wasn’t used to seeing the Azziarins on Earth. She stared at the tanned male with bright-blue cat eyes and short, white hair. This male made her body feel things that she’d never felt before.
“Even the healer couldn’t find any information on her type in the database.” The male lifted his drink and she watched as he placed it to his lips…those lips! She stared at him a little longer, just listening to him talk before turning her head to break the trance.
Chloe had had several boyfriends and she wasn’t a virgin, but her body had never reacted this way before---and just from hearing him speak! She didn’t understand it.
Breaking the spell and moving on, she passed by the Dining Hall and peered longingly at the aromatic food. She wasn’t hungry, but it had been a long time since she had eaten hot, cooked food. The tables were lined with Azziarins talking and laughing. Not that she could understand what they were saying, nor did she care. With one last look, she moved on. No need to torture herself if she couldn’t partake.
Continuing on, she found someone’s living quarters. The male looked like all the other Azziarins. Seven-feet tall, white hair. This guy had long, flowing hair. She watched as he removed his weapons and black jumpsuit and laid them on the bed before entering a smaller room.
Chloe quickly moved forward so she could watch what he was doing. Back home, they would’ve called her a peeping Tom, or maybe a peeping Jane. What did they call women who spied on men? She shook her head to stop her rambling thoughts. It didn’t matter because she wasn’t interested in him, she just wanted to know how everything worked.
He stood nude in the small room, and although her body didn’t react, she couldn’t help but stare with wide eyes at the perfection of his body. Not only was he taller than the average human man, everything was larger, in proportion to his size. Any Azziarin could be on the cover of a fitness magazine back home.
She watched him place a hand inside the shower like enclosure. When he touched the wall, a panel slid back. Chloe watched intently, remembering everything he did.
She waited patiently in the vent for him to finish showering. When he entered the main room, he donned a black jumpsuit like all the others wore. Patiently, she waited for him to leave, hoping that he would. All Chloe could think about was taking a much needed, hot shower.
Finally, she watched him leave, giving a silent thank you to whoever might be listening. When she felt confident that he wouldn’t return, she kicked out the grate, slid out, and landed silently on her feet.
Chloe quickly repeated the movements she’d watched the male perform. The water cascaded down from above and she laughed aloud. A shower!
She closed her eyes and offered silent thanks as she tore off her filthy clothes and stepped into the warm spray. She watched the dirty water run down her body into a drain near her feet. She knew that everyone on Earth probably looked---and smelt--- as bad as she did.
She scrubbed her body and hair until the water ran clear, then she scrubbed on more time for good measure. Chloe refused to put her filthy rags back on, so after drying off, she found one of the black jumpsuits and put it on. It conformed to her body, showing every curve, she just had to roll the legs and sleeves up. Now all she had to do was to hoist herself back up into the vent. She sighed; easier said than done.
Chapter Three
He tapped his com-unit.
“Go ahead, Stavven.”
“Commander, the female is missing!” Stavven sounded almost frantic.
“What do you mean she’s missing?” Dazz jumped to his feet and headed toward Sick Bay.
“I mean she’s gone, missing, nowhere to be found. It appears as though she climbed into the vent.”
“What?! Never mind, I’m on my way.”
How had she gotten into the vent? He wondered. When he’d held her, he’d thought she was small, but---he glanced up at the vent---yes, she could fit. Dazz headed down the corridor, but before he made it to Sick Bay, the ship rocked as the computer blared, “Red alert!” He changed directions and headed toward the Bridge at top speed.
“Chasse, report!” Dazz demanded, as he stormed onto the Bridge.
“A Tureis ship slipped by our sensors and caught us off guard!”
“Return fire!” he ordered, as he took a seat in the Commander’s chair and stared at view screen.
When the torpedo hit its target, Dazz watched the enemy ship rock before reversing its course back through the wormhole. They were unaware that when the Tureis fired at them, another Tureis ship slipped by unnoticed.
When the Tureis ship was no longer visible, Dazz said, “They may return, so stay focused and keep me advised. Right now, I’m needed in Sick Bay.”
“Yes, Commander,” Chasse responded.
Dazz headed down the corridor with one thing on his mind, finding the unknown female.
“Stavven, any news?” Dazz asked as soon as he entered Sick Bay.
“No, Commander, not on the female’s location. I can tell you that the medi-chamber healed her body much quicker than I anticipated. According to the readouts, her bones are much smaller than ours are, in size and density.”
Dazz glanced up at the vent opening and said, “Making her lighter and her muscles that much stronger than an Azziarin female’s.” The females of Azziar could never get their muscles strong enough to pull their entire body up by their arms.
“Yes, Commander, and also making her quicker to heal,” Stavven finished.
“Any ideas on how to locate her?”
“No, I’m afraid not.”
Dazz rubbed his forehead in frustration. He felt irritated---almost antsy---certainly not himself. As he stood there trying to figure out how to find his…Dazz froze…she was not his female!
“Commander, are you alright?” Stavven asked while pulling out his scanner.
“What?” he replied distractedly, “Oh, I’m fine, Stavven.”
“I don’t think so, Commander. The female has triggered the Mating Fever.”
Dazz’s eyes shot to the healer’s, “Impossible!”
“Impossible or not, it has started. It’s in the early stages, so you haven’t recognized it yet. I can give you an injection that will help dampen the effects.”
“I don’t understand, Stavven. She’s not Azziarin.”
“I can’t explain it but it’s definitely Mating Fever.”
“Thank you,” Dazz said, after receiving the injection.
“Good luck finding the female,” Stavven finished. Both males looked at the open vent. Dazz gave him a nod before heading out of Sick Bay.
As he rounded the corner, two Tureis stood in front of him, phasers at the ready, with their amber eyes scanning the area. Dazz had no love for the pasty gray species.
Like lightning, he instinctively dropped to the floor, the phaser beam missing him---but not by much. He jumped up and sprang forward with his arms stretched wide, catching the invaders off guard as he tackled them both.
Dazz wrestled the phaser from one invader, while the other tried to pry himself out from under his muscled body. Two things the Azziarins were known for, their size and heaviness. The average height around seven foot or more, compared to the Tureis average of six and a half feet tall.
He fired at one, and then the other, killing them both. He never heard the Tureis behind him until the body hit the floor. He spun around, phaser pointed and ready to fire. Dazz stood there in stunned amazement.
The most exotic female he’d ever laid eyes on had smoothly, effectively, and silently knocked out the enemy. When their eyes collided, he felt lost, almost as if he was drowning in her deep green eyes. Beautiful round green eyes, surrounded by a sea of white, so unlike his own. His shaft swelled to an almost painful state as he took in the rest of her.
Silky red hair fell around her slender neck and reached down below her shoulders. Across her nose and cheeks, she had little reddish-brown sprinkles that stood out on her alabaster skin. His eyes watched her pink, luscious lips as her tongue darted out to moisten them.
Dazz’s eyes continued their appreciation. She was dressed in the standard black jumpsuit that he and his crew wore, which showed her shape perfectly. Her high breasts were large and round, making her waist look tiny. Round hips and shapely legs, so unlike the females of his planet. This couldn’t be the same female he rescued, could it? As unbelievable as it was, deep inside, he knew the answer. She was the only female aboard his all male ship.
When his eyes met hers once again, he instinctively sniffed the air. Her scent made him forget everything! She smelled like the exotic flowers of his world, rain, and lavender. His fangs lengthened as his thoughts screamed, mine! Just as he was about to take a step forward, the male on the ground moaned, clearing some of the haze in his head--- somewhat--- reminding Dazz that he had work to do!
Tapping his com-unit, he ordered, “I want all security teams to do a sweep of the ship. I’ve just encountered the enemy in the corridor down from Sick Bay!”
The one on the floor would be thrown in the Brig and later interrogated. How had they got on his ship?!
The female stood there watching his every move. “What is your name?” he asked, still breathing heavily from the fight, and his reaction to her.
“I don’t know what you are saying,” she said, in an almost musical voice.
Sish! The translator didn’t recognize her language! Maybe she had a translator and could at least understand him, but this was a problem for another time. Right now, he had to hunt the enemy and get them off his ship!
“I don’t know if you can understand me, but I have to hunt some Tureis. I can take you somewhere safe for now if you will follow me.” He stared at her, hoping she understood. He had this overwhelming need to protect her, and a duty to his ship.
He gestured with his hand, hoping she would understand and follow. She looked at the direction he indicated, but didn’t move. He took a couple of steps, and then tried to wave her forward. She still didn’t move. A few steps later, he repeated the gesture.
He closed his eyes for a few standard seconds, trying to think with his unfocused mind. He couldn’t leave her here and she wasn’t following. He decided to throw her over his shoulder and lock her in his quarters. At least she’d be safe. When he looked back at her to do just that...she was gone… Sish!
Chloe spotted the Tureis as they poured into the corridor. There were at least ten of them before they split off into groups so they could head in different directions. Seeing the pasty gray creatures with flaming red hair just pissed her off! She crawled as quickly and as quietly as possible, following their progress. When they parted ways once again, splintering off into twos, she picked two and followed.
When the sexy Azziarin almost collided with the two, they were ready for him, but he was caught unaware. Chloe’s breath caught as she watched the scene unfold. She almost missed the Tureis sneaking up behind the Azziarin.
She hurried to the next vent, trying to get behind the sneaking Tureis. She quickly dropped to the floor, landing as quietly as possible.
Taking sure, steady steps, she crept up behind the enemy. Just as he raised his phaser, Chloe did a leg sweep, knocking him to the ground. With all of her force, she brought her right elbow down hard, hitting the base of his neck. Crude but effective.
Then her eyes met the Azziarin’s and time stopped as
she stared into bright-blue cat eyes. She wanted to lose herself in those stunning eyes.
When he glanced down, she used that time to drink him in. Gleaming white hair framed his masculine face. An almost flat nose set between high cheekbones. His square jaw shaped his face perfectly. Two pointed fangs protruded over his big, sexy lips. Were they longer now? she wondered, as her eyes traveled down his muscled body and landed on the prominent bulge between his thighs. Her eyes widened in surprise when she noted the size. It was in proportion to his seven-foot height, at least what she could see of it under its constraints. Oh, my! She mouthed.
Her breath quickened as her core creamed. How could this man make her body react like this? She could feel her heart beating wildly, and tried to calm her body down. Mind over matter and all that crap.
When he spoke to her, she couldn’t understand anything he said, but she liked the way his voice sounded---masculine---dominant. It set her insides on fire! Calm down, Chloe! She kept repeating the same mantra over and over in her mind, hoping it would take root.
He motioned for her to follow him, and she wanted to, but she wasn’t willing to trust him yet. Chloe stood still, her body at odds with her mind. Half of her wanted to run to him, and the other half wasn’t willing to give in so easily. The pull was strong, but her will persevered. He stood with his eyes closed, obviously having an internal debate. After drinking him in one last time, she turned and headed the opposite direction. She needed to hunt down the Tureis.
After climbing back into the vent, she scurried along looking for the pasty-gray scum. She applied the same technique of dropping behind them from the vents every time she saw one of them. She didn’t have anything to kill them with, but she could render them unconscious.
The last time she dropped to the floor, she decided to remain in the corridor after taking out the enemy. Her arms were tired and weak, and after climbing up three or four times, she just couldn’t do it anymore.
Walking down the corridor, she came upon two Azziarins fighting three Tureis, and she decided to join the fray. Three against three sounded fair.