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Kavvan (The Azziarin Series Book 7) Page 11

  I glanced at Susan before we both took off in a sprint. Susan leaped on his back, regardless of Jane, and knocked him off balance. When he went to his knees, I grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked with all the hurt and rage I’d kept bottled up.

  He dropped Jane to the side as he tried to fling Susan off him. Using my fingernails, I left five scratches down his face before I kicked him where his balls should be.

  Two more raced down the corridor, heading straight at us. “Amanda,” Susan whispered, fear lacing her voice.

  My head shot up. “Shit!”

  Phaser-fire whizzed over my head, dropping the other two Tureis. I jerked my head around and spotted Kavvan standing there, pointing the weapon.

  Just as he neared us, Susan and I jumped aside. He grabbed the Turei just as other Azziarins came running up behind him.

  With his eyes trained on me, Kavvan said, “Padda, take him down to interrogation. I want to know why they are here. Why they attacked us so close to Azziar. Find out everything. By any means necessary.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  They hauled the bleeding red-haired guy away. Jane crawled over to an unconscious Nikkul while Kavvan had his eyes fixed on me. He held out his hand. “Are you harmed?”

  “No. Jane and Nikkul may be, though.”

  We turned toward the two and saw Jane on her knees, leaning over Nikkul with tears in her eyes.

  Kavvan walked over, picked Nikkul up, grunted, and carried him to medical. We followed behind him.

  “Where’s Clara?” I asked a teary-eyed Jane. Kavvan was the one that answered.

  “Safe in her quarters. Just like you were supposed to be.”

  I didn’t like the tone in his voice. “I will not sit by knowing that my friends are in danger!” I huffed.

  “You did not know they were in danger.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Well, obviously they were! If it wasn’t for me and Susan, they would’ve got away with kidnapping Jane!”

  He laid Nikkul on the cot, turned toward me, and said, “No, they would not have. We discovered that the blast was a diversion to sneak in a craft. We had already boarded and killed those on the shuttle.”

  I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth, not wanting to admit defeat. “If you think you have some submissive girl as a mate, you can think again. I will NOT sit idly by if my friends need me!”

  He towered over me, anger shining in his fiery blue cat-eyes. “I do not think you are submissive. But at times, I know what is best.”

  “Yes, Commander,” I sneered. I don’t know why I felt so angry at him, but it was there, churning inside me.

  Sora stood by the cot, examining Nikkul. “What’s wrong with him?” A tearful Jane asked.

  Sora ran the hand-held medi-scanner over his body. “He took a hard blow to the head. He will need to go into the medi-chamber for two standard hours, and then he should be fine.”

  Kavvan placed his hand on my shoulder, gaining my attention. “Let’s go.”

  “Go where?” I didn’t want to go anywhere with him right now. He would not treat me like a child, expecting me to obey his every order.

  “Back to our quarters.” When he said our, my resolve to stay mad wavered a little.

  Instead of fighting more, I simply said, “Not without Susan.” That, I wouldn’t give in on.

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  The walk was silent. Uncomfortable. When he left us with orders to stay, Susan turned questioning eyes on me. “What is wrong with you?”

  I crossed my arms in a defensive stance. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re mad at him because he’s trying to protect you? How long have you yearned for someone to do just that?”

  I caught myself just before I stomped my foot. I would not be that girl. “I will not be treated like a child!”

  “Very well. How about a loved, cherished mate? Because he was just trying to protect you.”

  “Whose side are you on?” Tears sprang to my eyes. I knew I was picking a fight, but…

  “I’m on your side, Amanda. And I know that you are trying to push him away before he hurts you.”

  I sobbed in a deep breath. She was right. I was so afraid of being hurt, whether intentionally or accidentally, that I had started a fight. “But what if something had happened to him?”

  “Then we’ll deal with it. Don’t shove away a good thing because of what-ifs.”

  I knew she was right. I needed to accept that someone wanted me. Just the way I was. Flaws and all. I tossed the idea around in my head, trying to believe. It was so difficult, though. No one but Susan had ever cared about me before, and I couldn’t understand how he possibly could.

  “Mandy, I know what you’re thinking, and stop it. You are beautiful, inside and out.”

  My anger drained away. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  We chitchatted for over an hour, speculated about what had happened. Why the Tureis decided to attack the Victory. But I couldn’t shake this overwhelming need to see Kavvan, to make sure I hadn’t ruined our relationship. In nervous jitters, I bit my nails, trying to resist the urge to run to him. It didn’t work. “I’ll be back,” I said as I bolted from the room.

  I flew through the corridor, asking everyone if they knew where Kavvan was. I got several odd stares, but most sniffed and pointed the direction for me to go. Whatever. They couldn’t speak? It didn’t matter, I needed to see Kavvan.

  When the door slid open, I gaped at the sight. A large view screen dominated the far wall with a lavender-colored planet in the middle of it. Several Azziarins, sitting at different stations, turned to stare at me. And in the center of the room stood Kavvan. Arms crossed, a commanding presence.

  I knew he was the commander, but his importance didn’t really register until this moment. A leader among his people. I gulped and planted my feet firmly in place. If not, I would flee like a coward under everyone’s scrutiny.


  Half-angry, half-worried, I stormed to the bridge and started barking out orders. The thought of Amanda in harm’s way set me on fire. I inhaled sharply and tried to push all emotion aside. We were close to Azziar, and I needed to contact Jakke.

  “I’ll be in my ready room. Contact Azziar and patch it through.” Leveling my gaze on Padda, I ordered, “Keep watch. There may be more attempts.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  I swiftly turned and marched into my ready room. Easing down into the chair, I grabbed the holo-pad and waited. Within standard minutes, Jakke’s face appeared on the screen.

  “Prince Jakke,” I slightly bowed my head, giving him the respect his position demanded.

  “Kavvan. How is everything?” He smiled, which took me by surprise. Sydney had changed him. Made him more amiable.

  “All is well, my Prince.”

  “Stop with that,” he waved the prince comment away, “we are friends when talking privately.”

  I grinned at my friend. “Fine.” I leaned back in the chair. “We rescued four human females, and we are bringing them to Azziar.”

  He smiled. “Sydney will be happy to hear it. She loves having other humans to talk with.”

  I nodded. If rumors were true, Sydney wanted more humans because Azziarin females were unwelcoming. They did not appreciate humans taking mates and demanding they give up their consorts.

  “Is there anything you would like to tell me?” He raised a knowing eyebrow.

  I laughed, “How did you know?”

  His boisterous laugh filled my ready room. “You have that worried, out-of-control look in your eyes. Only a female could do that to you.”

  “You’re correct. I have found my true mate. So has Nikkul.” Just thinking of him brought me back to the problem at hand. “The Tureis attacked us. Nikkul is healing in the medi-chamber.”

  “I see.” Jakke’s face turned serious.

  “We are very close to Azziar. Location 10534.21. It is troublesome that they are s
o close to our home world.”

  Jakke nodded. “I will put everyone on high alert. If they get close, we will engage. The Tureis will not have the chance to attack our planet again.” His voice was low. Deadly. Commanding.

  I nodded.

  “We will prepare for your arrival. Be safe.”

  “Thank you.”

  The screen went blank. I briefly rubbed my forehead before pushing up from the chair and heading back to the bridge.

  Standing in front of the captain’s chair, my mind kept alternating between Amanda and our arrival on Azziar. Even though we were still some distance away, I could easily make out our home world on the view screen.

  The door to the bridge slid open, and the smell of my mate hit me full force. Everyone turned her direction.

  My beautiful mate stood nervously, taking in the entire room. Seeing her in my black jumpsuit, one that hugged all her curves, made my shaft twitch. When her dark eyes locked with mine, I rushed over to where she stood.

  “Amanda, what are you doing here? Are you all right?” I ran my hands down her shoulders, just needing to touch her.

  “I’m sorry!” she blurted out.

  I glanced around, noticed everyone watching. Listening. This conversation was a private matter, not to be discussed in front of my males. I took her hand and said, “Come with me.”

  After the door to my ready room slid closed, I scooped her up in a loving, warm embrace.

  “I’m sorry, Kavvan. I don’t know what came over me.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, almost as if she were afraid I’d leave.

  “It’s all right.” I tried to reassure her.

  “No, it’s not.” She leaned back and looked at me with dark, watery eyes full of hurt. My heart clenched at her pain. “Everyone leaves me. I’ve never been able to depend on anyone except Susan. She helped me understand that I was trying to push you away before giving you the opportunity to hurt me.”

  “Oh, Amanda!” I pulled her close against my body, not letting any distance separate us. I knew she was damaged, but to think she thought I would leave…. “I will never leave you. I love you. When we’re apart, you’re all I think about. I wish you could understand how badly I want you. Need you. It is a rare thing to find your true mate.”

  I felt her hug me even tighter as my uniform grew wet from her dripping tears. I didn’t want her to leak, I only wanted to make her feel better.

  “You love me?” she whispered into my shoulder.

  “Yes. How could I not?”

  Quiet sobs drifted upward as her body slightly shook. I wanted to help her, but didn’t know what else to do.

  “I love you, too,” she sniffed and then rubbed her nose on my uniform. “I’m just so afraid.”

  I looked deep into her eyes, needing her to listen. “Don’t be afraid. You are stuck with me forever.”

  She chuckled through the tears. I gently pressed my lips to hers. I’d watch Sydney do that to Jakke and knew that human females liked that. Her lips felt warm and soft, and somehow the act itself felt… comforting.

  When it ended with a pop, she smiled up at me, still with watery eyes. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I gave her my own reassuring smile. “Would you like to see your new home?”


  I took her hand and led her back to the bridge. Everyone turned, but I ignored them. I sat down in the captain’s chair before tugging her down on my lap.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said with awe in voice. “Why is it lavender?”

  “Why do you think?”

  She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “Well,” Amanda started, “Earth looks blue because of the blue water. So, my best guess is that your planet has lavender water.”

  “And you would be correct.”

  Her eyes danced with excitement as she stared at the view screen. “I would like to see that.”

  With one arm wrapped around her waist, I squeezed her in a slight one-armed hug. “Then I will take you.”

  “Really?” I chuckled at her wide eyes and youngling expression.

  “Of course.”

  “Commander, we are almost in transport range. “

  I glanced up at my friend, and one of my best officers. “Thanks, Padda.”





  With Kavvan on my left, and Susan on my right, I squeezed both their hands tightly as the door to the shuttlecraft slid open. The ride to the planet surface was terrifying, but not nearly as much as facing a bunch of aliens on a new planet.

  “Don’t worry, Amanda. You’ll be fine,” Susan said from the corner of her mouth.

  Clara, who stood on Susan’s other side, said in a chipper, bubbly voice, “Just think of it as an adventure.” She was all smiles. Rarely had I seen anything faze Clara. I’ve heard of a glass-half-full person, but Clara was more of a glass-runneth-over type. If she could only give me a little of that, I thought with a little smile.

  Jane stayed with Nikkul, who was free from the medi-chamber, but still in and out of consciousness as they prepared to transfer him to a medical ward on the planet.

  When the doors slid open, my legs trembled at the sight. A large crowd had gathered to welcome us home. Home… what a strange concept. My eyes bounced from one person to another. I gulped as realization sat in. I was now the alien.

  Nervously, my eyes jumped, taking in everyone until they landed on a smiling human. Then another. And another. The anxiety I’d just felt started to dissipate.

  I scanned the planet itself and scoffed. There were no high-rises, no paved roads, at least none that I could see. There were massive trees, beautiful, odd-colored flowers. It was everything that Earth was not. My first thought? Azziarins lived with nature. Beautiful. Untamed.

  “Come.” Kavvan nodded toward the crowd and then led me down to the smiling female. She stepped forward.

  “Hi, I’m Sydney.” She stuck out her hand.

  In a sea of white-haired aliens, the dark-haired, curvy woman waited for me to respond. The bright blue dress just made her stand out even more. She radiated confidence.

  “I think she’s in shock.” My eyes slid to the red-haired woman standing next to Sydney. Unlike Sydney’s soft curves, this woman was lean and muscular.

  “Of course she’s in shock! Has it been so long you’ve forgotten how overwhelming this all can be?”

  “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “Chloe, not everyone is like you.” Sydney smiled. “Ignore her. I do.”

  “Whatever,” Chloe smirked.

  Clara stepped forward. “Hi, I’m Clara. This planet is amazing!” She practically sang the word amazing. “I can’t wait to get a good look around. And, there are no black-market traders here, at least Nikkul says there’s not. And…”

  “Clara,” Susan said her name sharply, prompting her to shut her mouth.

  She looked at Susan. “What?”

  Susan’s mouth twitched when she replied, “Don’t use all of your words at one time.” Everyone chuckled, including Clara.

  Another woman stepped forward. “Hi, I’m Krista. Kollin’s mate.”

  After realizing I hadn’t said anything and that Sydney had retracted her hand, I blurted, “I’m Amanda.” I glanced around for Kavvan, but he stood with his back turned, talking to other men. Males. Whatever.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amanda,” Sydney said with a smile on her face.

  I released the breath I’d been holding and started to relax a little. “This is my friend Susan, and this…” I smiled while pointing around Susan, “is Clara.”

  Sydney smiled, soft and loving. “We are glad you all are here. Tonight, we will have a dinner for everyone.

  “Thank you.”

  “Amanda,” Kavvan’s deep voice snagged my attention. “I’m going to check on Nikkul. Would you like to join me or stay with the other humans?”

  Uncertain of ev
erything here, I didn’t want to be without Kavvan. Strange, after what just happened on the Victory. “I’ll go with you.” Turning back to my friends, I asked, “Will you be okay without me?”

  Susan waved me away. “Go. We’ll be fine.” And I had no doubt she would be.

  Kavvan held out his hand. I gladly placed mine in his, and he led me toward a giant black marble castle.

  “Whoa! This is amazing!” White seamless walls that twisted and turned. How the hell did they keep it so clean?

  As we turned another corner, Kavvan stopped mid-step. “What’s wrong?” I asked, peering around him.

  There stood a beautiful Azziarin female kissing a human man. When I’d spoken, they broke the kiss and sharply turned toward us.

  “Kavvan.” Her voice was laced with fear. Kavvan didn’t reply; he stared at the female.

  What’s happening? I wondered. I stepped around Kavvan and looked at the man. The situation felt tense. Trying to ease the tension, I smiled. “I’m Amanda.”

  His eyes slid from Kavvan’s to mine. “Alan,” he answered in an unfriendly voice.

  “Kavvan,” the female pleaded, “please don’t tell my father, or Jakke. Please.”

  “Kattlyn, you know I can’t do that.”

  Alan grabbed Kattlyn’s hand and pulled her behind him, shielding her with his massive body. He faced Kavvan with a sinister smile. His eyes darted to mine and back to Kavvan’s. “Is this your mate?” Alan asked, and I wasn’t sure who he was talking to.

  “Yes.” I answered, still wishing I had a clue what was going on.

  “Did you know that humans are not good enough for their women? And yet he has no problem being with you. A human. Or does he?”

  Seeds of doubt started to grow. The ones I thought I’d uprooted and got rid of. Nope. Now they were stronger than ever.

  Kavvan growled at Alan, and in one swift movement, Kavvan shoved him up against the wall with his forearm pressing in on Alan’s throat. “Don’t…”

  In an instant, Kattlyn had me in a choke-hold. She was lithe, strong. “No! You don’t!” she yelled.

  Kavvan’s head turned sharply, his eyes narrowed on Kattlyn’s arm wrapped around my neck. His voice turned low and deadly. “Release my mate.”